Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Common Law Tribunals Are Needed To Try Many Bar Association Members-A Harsha Sankar Article

Dear Citizen, December 2004

With the new Intelligence Reform legislation, which includes the onerous Patriot Act II, on the verge of becoming law, when will Americans start to engage in massive civil disobedience?

This 3000 page act, hardly read by any congressional member, is just another set of vague and contradictory laws that will only deprive more of the People's and individual's rights. It only strengthens the grip the bar associations currently have, as all FBI agents have to have a "degree" from a bar association accredited trade school. This requirement is nothing more than a protection racket for the incumbency, as it restricts people who have the capability, but not the approved certification, from protecting America from our true enemies, foreign and domestic.

Law schools today are no different than the specialized centers that trained Communists worldwide in the 20th century or the madrassas that train the clergy for the Islamic theocracies. Law and its due process are not taught. Rather the "Color of law" and unconstitutional regulations,ex post facto laws, court cases,bills of attainder, and court rules and procedures are taught. In simpler terms, the law is made as they go along and these complications are simply window dressing to falsely impress and disenfranchise the People, collectively and individually. They hide behind the camouflage of complexities to confuse,control, and conquer.

While this bill was being voted on, lawyers received 125 million dollars($125,000,000.00)in deciding whether or not the WTC bombings was one or two attacks. This fee-gouging,while now common place, is beyond unreasonable or obscene. They are High Crimes and High Treason.

It is time genuine Common Law tribunals are established to review the following crimes by the bar associations and most importantly, its opportunistic collaborators.

1. Conspiracy to create a totalitarian state.
2. Conspiracy to commit Aggression against the Organic Rights of the People as outlined in the Preamble of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
3. The Commission of such Aggression.
4. The Commission to defraud the citizenry of the true nature of their governance, its status and theirs, either directly or through lack of disclosure.
5. Misconduct in the Application of Law and in the Protection Of Inalienable Rights.
6. The Ratification of Agreements with Foreign and other Private Agents(i.e. the 1947 ABA/U.N.agreement) that Undermine and Subvert the People's and their State's Sovereignty.
7. Conspiracy to Extort and Plunder Money and Property through Kidnapping, or threat thereof, and other Illicit Means.
8. The Commission of such Acts.
9. Crimes Against The People.
10. Crimes Against Humanity.

Charity towards all and malice towards none only begins when amends and reparations are made. The American People do not want a totally new government. They just seek an improved version, for the sake of a forming a more perfect union, of the original form of their Constitutional Republic.

Very Truly Yours,

Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington, Virginia 24426


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