Monday, October 03, 2011

Co-mingling Of Powers Led To Loss Of Restraint-Abridged Version-By Harsha Sankar

A $10 million lawsuit filed in Botetourt County against law enforcement.

In Covington, taxpayers paid $123,000 for a “cost-efficiency” study.

Citizens in a Roanoke neighborhood have paid more than $200,000.00 in unconscionable legal fees disputing their elected officials.

Sloppiness and con artists cost FEMA $1 billion in six months over questionable Katrina and Rita disaster-relief claims.

People who received an apology for slavery will soon demand money. America’s new form of government, kleptocracy, is in full force. Property taxes and health care skyrocket, and industrial jobs evaporate.

As 40,000 new attorneys a year are descending to prey upon and control Americans, nearly 2 million homeowners face foreclosure.

Former communist nations were overregulated with much uniformity by low to moderately paid civil servants.

In America, the ruling one-party commands vast resources to perpetually change law at will. If communist ideology brought bankruptcy, America’s outcome will be failed state status.

Co-mingling of powers in government and not its separation has led to this unprincipled lack of restraint. Citizens have been fractured into special interests. America united means government divided. That means no attorneys in office.

Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington,Virginia 24426


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