Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Pandemic In A Nutshell-By Harsha Sankar

Dear Citizen,                                    October 2020

There are external toxins(viruses and bacteria) that cause internal viruses and bacteria to clean
and dispose those external toxins! Our immunity constantly needs to be updated with external viruses and bacteria. It is only when those external pathogens overwhelm the system do problems occur.
That is why people need to focus on strengthening the immunity so that this overwhelming does not happen. People need exposure but not over exposure. The more the immunity system can resist opportunistic pathogens, the better.

The SARS-CoV-2, I feel, is an airborne toxin that was initially spread worldwide by participants in the Wuhan Military Games. The airplanes that these participants traveled in spread this toxin to numerous nation in October 2019.

This toxin is only causing the majority of the sickness. Another factor causing this sickness is the deployment of 5G. Many patients are reporting symptoms of altitude sickness and not of ARDS.
Of course, since PCR-RT is not a proper test to diagnose a pathology, many people with bad colds or underlying conditions are falsely testing positive for Covid-19.

The virus is real but the pandemic is not. Anything made in a lab will obviously be much more potent than the strain of influenza. This actual toxin has a death rate of 2% over all. The death rate for seniors(60+) is much higher but that is because most of the elderly had comorbidities.

While the death rate is still overall low in comparison to the death rates caused by other epidemic-causing pathogens, the disability rate of the SARS-CoV-2 is quite high. Nearly 20% of recoveries have permanent damage, especially to their circulatory and cardiovascular system.

That is why people need to increase their proper vitamin intake(Zinc, Vitamin A, C, and D-3). People need to eat fresh vegetables to obtain Vitamin A, get proper sun exposure to obtain proper Vitamin D, and eat fresh fruits to get Vitamin C. Of course supplements are vital. People need to also reduce their consumption of alcohol, tobacco products, and processed foods. They need to instead increase their intake of quercetin (onions, green tea, apples, berries, buckwheat tea),quinine(club soda), and spices(ginger,garlic, etc.).

Steam therapy is also helpful for prevention and for treatment of mild "flu-like" symptoms. Of course HCQ should be liberally prescribed to those with mild to moderate symptoms provided that individual has no cardiovascular or circulatory issues. HCQ should only be prescribed as well to those who have an actual ARDS. Prescribing "hydroxy" to something that affects hemoglobin will be disastrous to the patient.

Once people take the necessary precaution, they should resume normal life. Elderly people need to avoid crowded places as an addition precaution. People, as a last measure, need to compel their government officials to ban vaccinations, mask-wearing, and the deployment of 5G.
Herd immunity should be reached by the end of March 2021. People need to resume all normal activities now to hasten it.

Harsha Sankar


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