Friday, November 06, 2020

2020 Presidential Elections Is Most Fraudulent In The History Of Western Civilization-By Harsha Sankar(November 2020)

Who wins the Presidency is really irrelevant. What is most important is addressing the total lawlessness that is transpiring in the most fraudulent election in the history of the Western World.

1. One state is counting more votes than registered votes.
2. A state closed for the night yet found 150,000+ votes in the middle of the night and counted those . Every single one went to Biden. Even if every single one went to Trump, it is absolutely condemning. The fact there isn't also a single write in, libertarian vote or lone ranger out of 150,000 is alarming.
3.A state claims to have one million votes to count with one candidate in the lead. Then 5 hours later it claims to have over 3 million votes left to count and the other candidate is leading.
4. A state is accepting any ballot, regardless of postmark by end of Nov.3, regardless of signature or any deadline/verifiable voter proof.
5. A state that had 99% in except for 3 counties and in the middle of the night, it then falls to 84% precincts reporting.

Even if Trump wins, there needs to be answers and real reforms . Even if Biden wins, there needs to be answers and real reforms . We must have a zero-tolerance policy towards fraud! Our Republic is built and stands solid on having the right to choose our representation. If the citizens lose their right to choose, then they will no longer be represented but instead be controlled!

The "Lawyer-Lobbyist Regime" has had a termite effect for decades. Now the house is starting to fall like a stack of cards!

There is a reason why citizens have to be physically present at an established location on a specific day to cast ballots!

There is a reason why people are physically checked before boarding an aircraft. Common sense is not always common knowledge!
We need to go back to traceable paper ballots!As long as there is secret balloting, there will be fraud.

It has gotten progressively worse since 1973.
Too many complexities in election law has allowed this anarchy to take place. Everything is interpretive now.


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