Monday, November 23, 2020

2020 Presidential Elections- Michael Pence As Acting President? (A Harsha Sankar Article-November 2020)


Courts in Pa and Ga. have arbitrarily rejected Trump's pleas. Of course Trump does not have to honor their opinions.

In all likelihood, he will appeal to the legislatures of the six states in question and encourage them to consider their elections as fraudulent and defective before the state's electors are selected. The legislatures may decide that the results of their elections stand.

Then Trump may have no choice but to ban electors from the states who he deems had fraudulent elections. If and when he does that, then no candidate will reach the 270 mark. Then the House of Representatives will pick the President as each state will have one vote assigned to it.
If the Presidential "election" goes to the House of Representatives, it is remotely possible that no candidate will reach 26 votes. While Republicans, in terms of states, have a 26-23 lead in the House, it really does not matter since Trump is an atypical Republican. There are many Republicans, especially the elite leadership, who despise Trump. There are also many progressive Democrats who support Trump. While many cannot vote for Biden, they may not cast their vote for Trump either.

The states may pick the Libertarian or Green Party candidate as a protest vote. If neither candidate reaches 26 or more House votes cast by one state each, then those candidates are no longer eligible to become President.

The Senate will pick the Vice-President out of the Top two choices. Either Mike Pence or Kamala Harris would be the Vice-President. Mike Pence would be prohibited favorite to get the nod since the Senate is Republican-controlled and since Pence is an establishment figure.

If neither Trump nor Biden qualify in the House, then the candidate chosen for VP would serve as Acting President for the next four years. We could be looking at Acting President Michael Pence.


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