Crossroads Of Oppression's End: Liberty Or Greater Tyranny-Part Four South Africa Session Six
During Apartheid, the police such as the SAPF had a Gestapo-type presence in enforcing the draconian segregation laws. They had an overwhelming presence at the borders of Bantustans(homelands reserved for Blacks) and townships/areas in close proximity to White cities.
After the end of that era, the "Racist White Cops" disappeared suddenly. The vacuum that occurred led to the advent of organized crime. Foreign "Mafia" from Nigeria brought drugs into that Cape Nation, causing devastation in the Black but mainly Coloured areas.
Crime and murder soared in South Africa as the new "Democracy" arrived. Annually, over 20,000 murders and 200,000 robberies have been taken place annually.
During Apartheid, the SAPF that sealed the borders of Black homelands and POC townships only answered to the White only democratically elected government in Pretoria, the administrative capital. Their job was solely to keep those borders sealed and to put down any political unrest in those non-White areas.
When this era of involuntary segregation ended, the police force lost much of its authority. Since the activities of police force were greatly expanded to actually provide policing to citizens and their affairs, it was needless to state that anarchy took place in the non-White areas since the current police force infrastructure was wholly inadequate. Hence the underworld and political criminal activities took deep root.
Since the police force in the new democracy were of the people and answered to the people, massive corruption arose as an highly flawed democratic model was in place. Pandering and PTB influencing marred policing often, rendering it inept and/or corrupt.
The preceding led to the boom of private security. In South Africa, there are 9000 security firms, the vast majority of firms are White-owned. There are nearly half a million active security agents and 1.5 million inactive security staffers. Unlike the 200,000 SAPF personnel which is predominantly Black, these private security agents are mainly White.
Anytime private security is providing the bulk of the protection, this Imperial mode will cause upheaval in society as not all people will be the recipients of the same protection under the law. This is the reason why the police should never be defunded and abolished.
The moral of the story: The end of authoritarian policing should be gradually replaced by policing consistent with the norms of a Representative Democratic Republic in which individual liberties and public safety are protected only.
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