Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Representative Democratic Model- Electable Offices Part Forty-Two Voter Eligibility And Duties (Session One)


Representative Democratic Model- Electable Offices Part Forty-Two Voter Eligibility And Duties (Session One)

The U.S. Constitution, when originally written, never made mention about voters and voting. This was by design because the Founding Fathers realized that governance is only as good as its electorate. They realized that that not all citizens, while entitled to basic rights listed in the Bill Of Rights, are entitled to vote. 

Rights listed in the Amendments will never be considered unalienable rights. They will be deemed as "Civil Rights". Civil Rights come from the government and it can be taken away.

The U.S. Constitution never prohibited public balloting. In fact until 1896, public balloting was utilized in the casting of ballots. Ballot secrecy was never cited in the nation's charter. 

The Twenty-Sixth Amendment set the legal voting age at eighteen in 1971. This is a recent amendment. It reads as follows:
[The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age] 

This is an amendment that should be repealed and modified. A common argument is if an individual is old enough to die fighting for the nation in a military conflict, that individual is old enough to vote for a public official. 

While it is true that anyone under the age of twenty-five and above the age of seventeen should be allowed to vote for certain position in public office, there needs to be restrictions on who can vote for certain positions based on age. My next post will explain these certain restrictions and also the reasons why these restrictions must be implemented.  

Cliff Notes Version: Voting is a civil right. It is not an unalienable right.

While an eighteen year old can serve in the military, that individual cannot become a commissioned officer or even a non-commissioned officer until he/she reaches a certain age. 

The 26th Amendment must be repealed and modified. There needs to be restrictions on who can vote for certain positions based on age.


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