Tuesday, May 03, 2022

Responsibilities Of All Voters- By Harsha Sankar


Responsibilities Of All Voters- 

To preserve the Republic, the electorate needs to be properly informed and yet most are not. No one can really know anything if one has not been taught.

The current PTBs, particularly the BAR Attorney Officialdom, have done their best to "keep people in the dark". Too many voters believe the American government is supposed to be a Democracy when it is not. The form of American government is supposed to be indeed a Republic. To verify that, listen to the Pledge Of Allegiance. 

Voters have the ultimate responsibility to KEEP THE GOVERNMENT PROPERLY DIVIDED and to KEEP IT PUBLIC. Unfortunately, most voters are not aware of this most important responsibility. Most voters feel knowledge of the issues is sufficient when in actuality it is only of secondary importance. Policies can change but the laws dealing with the form and type of government must remain the same.
Properly divided and public governance can only exist when it prevents too much authority to be given to the electorate, to any branch of government, to any specific parts of any branch of government, to either the local, state, and/or federal government, and to any private entities (private sector or entrenched incumbency). 

Sadly, most voters do not know other fundamentals such as the following:
1. Those who make the laws must be elected.
2. Those who apply, support, enforce, or administrate the laws must be selected.

Most voters do not realize there must be different modes of elections for different positions in government. They also do not realize the difference between Area-Based Democracy and Population-Based Democracy and why both models are needed in a Representative Democracy. Both models are the basis for the bicameral legislatures and for the electoral college. 

Most voters do not even know know that a Representative Republic can survive only if it is supported by Representative Democracy. Most of the electorate have not heard, much less understand, the basic definition of Imperial Democracy, Representative Democracy, and direct democracy and the basic differences between the three different forms of Democracy.

Most of the electorate have not heard, much less understand, the basic definition of Imperial Democratic Republic, Representative Democratic Republic, and direct democratic Republic. Most of the electorate do not understand the differences between the three different forms of a Republic government. 

The preceding is not complicated. However it is not simplistic either. The foundation of the preceding is simple but it has complex features.  

Cliff Notes Version: Voters are supposed to know certain things before the cast ballots for candidates. They have the responsibility of knowing the following.

1. Those who make the laws must be elected. 

2. Those who apply, support, enforce, or administrate the laws must be selected. The elected must directly or indirectly choose the selected. 

3. Different modes of elections for different positions in government. 

4. There is a difference between Area-Based Democracy and Population-Based Democracy and both models are needed in a Representative Democracy. 

5. A Representative Republic can survive only if it is supported by Representative Democracy. 

6. The basic definitions of Imperial Democracy, Representative Democracy, and direct democracy and the basic differences between the three. 

7. The basic definition of Imperial Democratic Republic, Representative Democratic Republic, and direct democratic Republic and the differences between the three. 

Finally all governance must be properly divided and must be public in order to prevent tyranny.


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