Thursday, June 09, 2022

 Electors Voting Process: Part Eleven

Electors Voting Process: Part Eleven 

The electors for the vice-head executive of the state and federal government (vice-governor and Vice-President) should be chosen by the Land-Based Model. In the current U.S. Constitution, if the electors fail to choose the Vice-President, then the United States Senate chooses the President. The U.S. Senate is based on a Land-Based Model as each state has different populations. Therefore each Vice-Presidential elector must represent a state senate district because of that fact.

The reason why the electors for Vice-President should be chosen this way is they have to answer more to the State than to the People in choosing the vice-head executive of the federal branch. This is necessary otherwise the Vice-Presidency would be too direct democratic. The Vice-President needs to be more directly tied to the State than the People as the Vice-President is the President Of The Senate. 

The vice-governor, as vice-head executive of the state government, has to follow the principle of the Vice-President for the same reasons as state government has to have the basically same Republic form of government as the federal government. Therefore its electors must be chosen by Land-Based Model as well. 

Each elector for vice-governor must represent a locality as each of these entities has their own distinct land-size and population.


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