Saturday, October 08, 2022

The Freezing Of Assets Of Other Nations And/Or Its Citizens In Government Mode: Part Two


The Freezing Of Assets Of Other Nations And/Or Its Citizens In Government Mode: Part Two

Representative Democratic Republic Mode- This measure can indeed be enacted but the following events must take place.

1. The nation and/or its citizens who freezes the assets must have suffered a direct and proportionate economic loss.
2. The freezing of any assets must be temporary. If the nation whose assets are frozen agrees to terms acceptable to the nation who froze the assets, then the assets frozen must be totally unfrozen and then released to the nation that possessed those assets.
3. This measure against any individual(s) and/or their entities(companies, NGOs, etc.) must be substantiated by a court opinion. It must be proven objectively and meritoriously that the suspected defendant(s) was directly responsible for the economic loss caused by the offending nation of which they are a citizen.

Finally, it must be understood that the freezing of any assets is theft. There has to be economic proof of damages before this measure is ever utilized.


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