Saturday, October 08, 2022

The Objectives And Mentality Of The Citizen In Governmental Mode- By Harsha Sankar


The Objectives And Mentality Of The Citizen In Governmental Mode-

Imperial Democratic Republic Mode- Citizens vote and support fellow citizens in office and governmental positions who cater to their specific individual and/or specific community and/or special interest needs. These citizens do not completely support public and divided government. They allow same-hands and private influences of governance.

direct democratic Republic Mode- Citizens vote and support fellow citizens in office and governmental positions who cater to the collective and general needs of the constituency(locality,state, and federal). They are not at all concerned about the needs of the individual, a specific community, and/or a special interest. These citizens wholly support public governance in full but will allow same-hands governance.

Representative Democratic Republic Mode- Citizens vote and support fellow citizens in office and governmental positions who uphold the basic rights of the individual. They are concerned about the needs of the individual, a specific community, and/or a special interest but only on a secondary basis. To these citizens, the rights of the individual are of primary importance. These citizens do completely support public and divided government. They do not allow at all same-hands and private influences of governance.


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