Russian-Ukraine War Was Designed To Weaken Germany To Vassal Status-By Harsha Sankar
I have been stating this all along and now the Rand Corporation is verifying my hypothesis.
It is a given that the 2022 Russo-Ukraine War was a well-planned war. Russia was to be provoked to invade Ukraine.
Was the intent of this provocation designed to weaken Russia? The answer is mainly no. While this war has been costly in terms of lives as Russia, in total, is averaging 3000 deaths a month, their stock of military equipment has remained stable as they have been able to replenish on a steady basis. While it also true that their economy has taken a hit as their GDP has been negatively impacted, they are not hurting quite as badly as other nations. The Russian rouble has reached new heights and their exports have not declined as they are exporting more to China and India.
Was the intent of this provocation designed to weaken Ukraine? Considering Ukraine is considered to be a client state of the New World Order, Ukraine was simply to be used as the playground for the war to be waged between Russia and NATO. Other than this purpose, Ukraine was geo-politically insignificant.
This war was designed to ruin Germany, a nation on pace to replace the USA as the premier Western Powers' economic and industrial power. A strong Germany would entice that nation to fully embrace its independence by divorcing from the European Union. Obviously that split would encourage a resurgent France and Italy to follow suit. The European Union as it currently exists would cease to exist. The unipolar world headed by the NWO elitists would break up into a fragmented multi-polar world. This would lead to a resurgence of national sovereignty.
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