Philosophical Objectives Of The Representarian Party-Part Thirteen
Philosophical Objectives Of The Representarian Party-Part Thirteen
The BAR Attorney at-law officialdom is the only mode of counsel that is currently sanctified as legal when it actually should be outlawed. It violates the U.S. Constitution and all ideals of Representative Governance.
An attorney at-law is an officer of the courts. He/she don the title of nobility "esquire". Thereby he/she is a member of the judiciary. He/she also participates in the judicial recording department which so happens to belong to the executive branch. This is in violation of Article 2, Section 2, and Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution. Only the chief executive (President or governor), according to this law, have the authority to select judicial officers or to select such officers who on their own are able to choose their subordinates.
An attorney at-law is allowed to advertise, collect fees for his/her representation , and must take an oath to properly represent individual(s) and even fictional entities.
An attorney-at-law must either graduate from a BAR accredited center of training aka "law school" or apprentice for three years before they are allowed to take a BAR accredited exam. After clearing a subjective and arbitrarily administered exam, he/she becomes a member of his/her State's Bar Association and only then is permitted to offer Representation By Officer Of The Court. An attorney at-law holds an fudiciary office of trust and profit.
It is important to note that he/she provides Representation by Officer Of The Court and not Assistance of Counsel. Representation denotes his/her “client” as ward/chattel of the Court. If an individual is “Represented”, he/she is deemed a fictional entity who is no longer perceived to be a sovereign citizen by the Court.
The State Bar Associations is in most states unlawfully made part of the State Supreme Courts. This violates the U.S. Constitution because the judiciary is supposed to only interpret the facts of a specific case to the law and then apply that specific law. That government branch was clearly never given the authority to "regulate" anything, especially counsel.
An attorney at-law should not be a direct participant or member of the other two branches of government. An attorney at-law should not have any ties to the individual(s) that he/she represents and to any of the specific affairs and interests of the individual(s) who he/she represents. An attorney at-law should have a detached relationship with the individual(s) and fictional entities that they provide representation.
Obviously the preceding cited in the last paragraph is not the case. This entire post details why the American populace has been "attornied" to abject submission. Most do not realize this.
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