Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Commentary On Elections-Part Seventy-Three, Part Seventy-Four, & Part Seventy-Five

 Commentary On Elections-Part Seventy-Three

There needs to be three senators per state with each senator chosen by state legislators who belong to the same specific region of that senator in that state. The state legislators in a specific third of that state choose the member of the U.S. Senate who belongs to their specific third of that state.
All state delegates and state senators in a specific third of the state, titled senatorial zone, cast votes for an eligible candidate to serve as a federal upper house legislator. The candidate in that senatorial zone who receives the most votes becomes the U.S. Senator-elect. There are three senatorial zones for every state.

Commentary On Elections-Part Seventy-Four

For the first 125 years, members of the U.S. Senate were essentially "employees" of the state governments who were compensated by the federal government. These state government "employees" represented their own state government to serve the certain specific needs of the nation. In other words the senators were hired by their own state governments to work at and for the federal government in serving certain specific needs of the nation.
Since 1913 all that changed. For the last 110 years members of the U.S. Senate are essentially "employees" of the federal citizenry who are compensated by the federal government. These federal citizenry's "employees" represent the entire federal citizenry to work at and for the federal government in serving the certain specific needs of the nation. In other words the senators are hired by federal citizens from their own state to represent all the federal citizenry. These members of the U.S. Senate work at and for the federal government in serving certain specific needs of the nation.
Commentary On Elections-Part Seventy-Five
In relation to the last post, I would like to cite a personal analogy.
When I started working for Dell Sonic Wall, I actually worked for another company. I worked at and for Dell Sonic Wall and the deposit in my account came from their account at the end of the month.
However I was employed by another company and not by Dell Sonic directly. That company was hired by Dell Sonic Wall to hire "temps" like me on a one year contract. My job was to fulfil my responsibilities at Dell Sonic Wall by working for DSW's customers.
The foregoing is analogous to how the U.S. Senate was established and then maintained for the first 125 years of the Republic of the U.S.A. Senators worked for and at federal government but were employed by state governments. Their customer/client was the nation and their job is to fulfil their responsibilities to the nation.


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