Monday, January 08, 2007

In Order To Dissolve The Banker Monopoly,The Bar Monopoly Must First Be Dissolved

Dear Citizen, April 2006

With One-World government (the U.N. Security Council) giving Iran thirty days to comply with its dictatorial mandate to forsake uranium enrichment development permanently, the American military now has the green light to attack pre-emptively a sovereign nation.

This conflict will not be over nuclear weapons. In fact, America may possibly use low yield nukes to contain Iran's retaliation. War will be waged over the petrodollar as the soon to come Iran Oil Bourse plans to accept only Euros.

In a nutshell, this measure could start a snowball effect that could displace the U.S Dollar as the global reserve currency. As the legal profession, bureaucracy, and financiers have fleeced the lifeblood of manufacturing to such a diminishing extent, other nations which are now making the products Americans consume will no longer be forced to spend its export revenues and petrodollar surpluses in America (according to Merk investments, now foreigners need to purchase $2 billion daily in USD denominated assets to keep currency stable). With trade and federal deficits at all-time highs and with consumer debt ($2 trillion) and mortgage debt ($ 9 trillion ) tipping new scales, America's economic collapse seems eminent.

Honorable warfare can never be conducted to artificially prop up the fiat notes known as the US Dollar. USD's are just FRN's ,legally counterfeited and minted by the private international banking cartel, the Federal Reserve. Just imagine how profitable it is for a company to print money and get paid at face value when your only expenditure is a printing press, ink, and paper? The "House" always wins. It makes its own money and then exchanges it for tangible products and voluntarily needed services.

The doctrine of spreading democracy by spraying bullets will be futile indeed. Targeting Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Venezuela simply because they will soon refuse the American greenback as payment is a recipe for disaster. The American people need to instead consider the following:

1. Americas corrupt fiat money system is condemning the Citizenry by bidding the best and brightest talent away from main street free markets to the speculative and confiscatory activities that falsely promise enrichment without productively working.

2. The "Carry trade" is a near limitless cash machine for banks and hedge funds. These speculators borrow OPM (Other peoples money) from one nation and invest it in another. These funds create "bubbles". When these "bubbles" burst and assets depreciate ,guess who holds the bag?

3. The Bank of International Settlements last year estimated the turnover in exchange and interest rates derivatives markets at $2 .4 trillion a day!! In five days' time the sum of this gambling equals America's gross domestic product yearly. J.P. Morgan Chase is by far the biggest broker of this highly risky game that endangers most Americans. They unknowingly and/or forcibly fund this scam either through pension plans ,stock ownership, taxes, insurance, and a whole host of other schemes.

All businesses and economies need credit. However ,when that power of credit is controlled by a small elite of international banksters, this will eventually spell disaster as most people can and will lose everything. After all, it is the genuine market oriented economic forces who always will foot the bill.

The Federal Reserve Bank is a private corporation owned and operated by the following ten corporations.

Rothschild Bank of London, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy, Goldman Sachs of New York, Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, and Chase Manhattan Bank of New York.

In order to dissolve the "Banker" monopoly, the Bar Monopoly must be dismantled. The "Color of money" issue can only be resolved once the "color of law" phenomenon is eliminated. The private printing of currency is ultimately due to the private control of government. No checks mean many imbalances.

The consummate imperative has been, currently is, and will always be the ban of members of one government branch from participating in another.

Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington, Virginia 24426


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