Thursday, January 11, 2007

We Must Fight Judicial Cronyism First On The Local Level-Must Read

Dear Citizen, March 2004

Malfourd "Bo" Trumbo was onerously appointed Judge of the 25th Judicial Circuit in Covington, Virginia. Despite the fact he had never been a judge, he bypassed other judges of inferior courts to get the position he coveted. What if he had never been a state legislator, would he have then received the judgeship? Would State Senator Creigh Deeds have changed his endorsement? The answer is a resounding no. This clear-cut form of cronyism has set an ominous tone for the judicial activism that will continue to be maintained.

The worst aspect is the reasons why and how he was appointed are not readily available for the public to thoroughly review. When citizens have the right to privacy,Americans will have freedom and enlightment.When government possesses the privilege and authority to secrecy, Americans will have surrendered to forces of darkness.

The people in the Alleghany Highlands(Covington and Alleghany County,Virginia) need to focus less on conspiracy theories and more on common sense realities that constanly confront this community. Have we been just reduced to "sheeple", unable or unwilling to think for ourselves or take action? Before one makes waves around the world, one must first make a ripple at home.

Yet only very few will take action because we have evolved into a society that desires instant gratification. There will be no path to seek if one always seeks the path of least resistance. Simply because one individual may not make the difference does not mean one cannot make a difference. While no individual cannot do everything does not mean he or she cannot try to do something. Losing by forfeit is not an option.

Obviously no judge should be nominated and selected if that individual belongs to an organization comprising solely of judicial advocates. Those temptations are strong enough to turn a saint in a devil. The appointment of Trumbo takes that one step further. Our nation is already plagued with "judgeocracy". Too many have the "tin god" syndrome because, outside their circle of colleagues,they answer to no one. That is why the court system is issuing more gag orders, conducting more closed hearings,and encouraging secret plea bargaining sessions and out of court settlements.

The Republicans and Democrats are only complicit. While the Democrats favor tort lawyers and the Republicans lean towards contract attorneys, both parties are fronts for the bar associations and their PAC, Trilateral Commission, Council Of Foreign Relations,Federal Reserve and other NGO collaborators. As people look beyond the illusion, snare, and delusion, they will witness clearly the two parties are birds with the same feathers.Very few politicians have stated the complete oversight, overhaul, and restricting of government as their number one slated goal.

Bar association members do not want to submit themselves to controls because it disables them from controlling us. The People's problem is not government. It is the private organizations that control government.

Martial Law Flag "Pursuant to 4 U.S.C. chapter 1, ยงยง1, 2, & 3; Executive Order 10834, August 21, 1959; 24 F.R.6865; a military flag is a flag that resembles the regular flag of the United States, except that it has a YELLOW FRINGE border on three sides. The President of the United States designates this deviation from the regular flag, by executive order, and in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief of the military. The placing of a fringe on the national flag, the dimensions of the flag and the arrangement of the stars in the union are matters of detail not controlled by statute, but are within the discretion of the President as Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy." 34 Ops. Atty. Gen.83.

Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar,
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington ,Virginia 24426


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