Wealth and Poverty-By Harsha Sankar
Dear Citizen, January 2010
Government controls more aspects of American life than ever. Last year, the federal government ate $3.52 trillion out of a $13.2 trillion GDP. The 2009 budget deficit tripled over 2008. Public debt, 40.8 percent of GDP in 2008, will double by 2019. This past year 4.1 million Americans have lost their jobs. The number of unemployed that received no economic benefits increased 50% in just the last two years. There are as well many tens of millions of “underemployed” Americans. "No Longer Searching For Jobs" category has been growing by nearly half a million every month for the last year.
In December 2007 there were 1.7 unemployed worker for every job opening. Now it is 6.1 unemployed workers for every job opening.
Six million Americans,one in 50 people, are living on $100 or $200 a month in food stamps. Food stamps are now given to over 10% of the population. One-third of America's children live in such abject poverty that qualify for such.
36 million Americans struggle with hunger,including 13 million children. Many are not dysfunctional or derelicts. Most come from working families.
Such a social catastrophe underscores the indifference of the predatory ruling class. Those 'Marie Antoinette' pretenders,speculators, and non-productive predators hoard wealth while too many Americans eat improperly and too many Vets are homeless.
1.4 million Americans went into bankruptcy last year, over a 30% jump from 2008. 60% of the people receive more government assistance than they pay in taxes. The unemployment rates for those living in households earning $20,000.00 or less ranges from 19.1%-30.8%. In many cities poverty rates are 30% plus.
Poverty grew at twice the rate of U.S. population growth from 2000 – 2008. An eye-popping 91.6 million Americans live no higher than twice the poverty base line.
Wall Street shysters will be paying themselves $146 billion in bonuses just after they soaked taxpayers of $700 billion in stimulus money. Divide the bonus money by 20,000 and it averages $7.3 million per individual.
In 2009, 13,741 registered lobbyists spent $3.47 billion lobbying Congress and federal agencies. That’s an increase of $1.7 billion over the year before.
The dramatic transfer of wealth and power away from citizens and small businesses
and into the hands of government and the law is taking place. Americans are witnessing the beginnings of a profound transformation of America's economic and governmental system.
There are so many reasons and factors for this plight. Yet there is only one source. That is BAR Occupied Government.What group originates the lack of profitability and viability for all businesses? No longer limited to their proper modest role, attorney/lobbyists have become the new commissars. They do not create wealth or value. Rather, it is their collusion that undermines the economy by destroying wealth and value creation. Economists Stephen MacGee noted in 1989 that 60% of attorneys were unnecessary and each cost the economy $2.5 million in decreased potential GNP yearly. Since then, attorney ranks have swollen 40,000 per year.
The activities of the legal profession are not the sole cause of America's detriment. It is the system that their domination sets up that is to America's detriment in all sectors. They are creating crises, converting America into a full-fledged socialist and crony capitalistic state? Through proxy by overregulation and litigation,they have indirectly taken over all economic entities.
This termite effect must be purged. Americans must halt the BAR's determined drive to reduce their nation to third-world status.
Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge
Government controls more aspects of American life than ever. Last year, the federal government ate $3.52 trillion out of a $13.2 trillion GDP. The 2009 budget deficit tripled over 2008. Public debt, 40.8 percent of GDP in 2008, will double by 2019. This past year 4.1 million Americans have lost their jobs. The number of unemployed that received no economic benefits increased 50% in just the last two years. There are as well many tens of millions of “underemployed” Americans. "No Longer Searching For Jobs" category has been growing by nearly half a million every month for the last year.
In December 2007 there were 1.7 unemployed worker for every job opening. Now it is 6.1 unemployed workers for every job opening.
Six million Americans,one in 50 people, are living on $100 or $200 a month in food stamps. Food stamps are now given to over 10% of the population. One-third of America's children live in such abject poverty that qualify for such.
36 million Americans struggle with hunger,including 13 million children. Many are not dysfunctional or derelicts. Most come from working families.
Such a social catastrophe underscores the indifference of the predatory ruling class. Those 'Marie Antoinette' pretenders,speculators, and non-productive predators hoard wealth while too many Americans eat improperly and too many Vets are homeless.
1.4 million Americans went into bankruptcy last year, over a 30% jump from 2008. 60% of the people receive more government assistance than they pay in taxes. The unemployment rates for those living in households earning $20,000.00 or less ranges from 19.1%-30.8%. In many cities poverty rates are 30% plus.
Poverty grew at twice the rate of U.S. population growth from 2000 – 2008. An eye-popping 91.6 million Americans live no higher than twice the poverty base line.
Wall Street shysters will be paying themselves $146 billion in bonuses just after they soaked taxpayers of $700 billion in stimulus money. Divide the bonus money by 20,000 and it averages $7.3 million per individual.
In 2009, 13,741 registered lobbyists spent $3.47 billion lobbying Congress and federal agencies. That’s an increase of $1.7 billion over the year before.
The dramatic transfer of wealth and power away from citizens and small businesses
and into the hands of government and the law is taking place. Americans are witnessing the beginnings of a profound transformation of America's economic and governmental system.
There are so many reasons and factors for this plight. Yet there is only one source. That is BAR Occupied Government.What group originates the lack of profitability and viability for all businesses? No longer limited to their proper modest role, attorney/lobbyists have become the new commissars. They do not create wealth or value. Rather, it is their collusion that undermines the economy by destroying wealth and value creation. Economists Stephen MacGee noted in 1989 that 60% of attorneys were unnecessary and each cost the economy $2.5 million in decreased potential GNP yearly. Since then, attorney ranks have swollen 40,000 per year.
The activities of the legal profession are not the sole cause of America's detriment. It is the system that their domination sets up that is to America's detriment in all sectors. They are creating crises, converting America into a full-fledged socialist and crony capitalistic state? Through proxy by overregulation and litigation,they have indirectly taken over all economic entities.
This termite effect must be purged. Americans must halt the BAR's determined drive to reduce their nation to third-world status.
Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge
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