To Save Healthcare,Put Infiltrators Back On Trojan Horse-No Attorneys in Office! -By Harsha Sankar
Dear Citizen, April 2009
HALF of America's primary care doctors may disappear for the following reasons
in just three to six years.
1. Too much non-clinical paperwork
2. Difficulty getting reimbursed
3. Too much government regulation
4. Lack of time (caused by the above problems) to form patient relationships
5. Fear of litigation and other attorney interference Yet lawyer-politicians want
to turn our entire healthcare system into one giant HMO, through new regulations
such as
a. Universal electronic medical records that can be accessed easily.
b. Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) that will be used to determine which treatments you can and cannot receive.
America already has socialist health care where nearly half of all care is already funded with
tax dollars.Prices for treatment are set by what the government is willing to pay in many cases. In other cases, payment by private insurance and HMO concerns indicate one thing.
THERE ARE PRESENTLY NO FREE MARKET PRICES OR PRACTICES IN MEDICINE,PERIOD. The US health care system, which is failing over 50 million people completely, that is the leading cause of bankruptcy, that is making US companies non-competitive, that promotes family break-ups, that exposes the vulnerable to unnecessary medical harm, and that sucks up over 18 percent of GDP while producing life expectancy and infant mortality figures that make some Third World countries look good.
Obviously the tort system generates much of the malaise. However, what is not visible is how ruling class controls all aspects of medical care from cradle to grave. The corporatocracy, sprung by attorney-lobbyist reign, have totally altered how prospective medical doctors are taught,trained, and licensed. Too often too many healthcare providers have become too autocratic in pushing chemical-based treatments when perhaps natural healing solutions were in order. A prime example is cancer treatment.
What group inspires the lack of meritorious discussion,innovation, and competitiveness? The attorney profession of course. Their illegal participation in the legislative,executive,and on the bench have allowed them to infiltrate all layers of people's lives. This has enabled this privately controlled and internationally affiliated group to transform America's Constitutional Republic
into their private fiefdom. If anyone questions the repressive control by the predatory elite, just glance at the outrageous legal fees. In a court case in Colorado, a plaintiff received one dollar. Attorneys received hundreds of thousands of dollars.
One would think that Americans would explode,lock and load when they see the
symptoms of tyranny taking over liberties. Too many citizens are at the brink. Hopefully
they will draw this conclusion. Put the infiltrators back on the trojan horse. No attorneys
in office!!
Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
Covington, Virginia
HALF of America's primary care doctors may disappear for the following reasons
in just three to six years.
1. Too much non-clinical paperwork
2. Difficulty getting reimbursed
3. Too much government regulation
4. Lack of time (caused by the above problems) to form patient relationships
5. Fear of litigation and other attorney interference Yet lawyer-politicians want
to turn our entire healthcare system into one giant HMO, through new regulations
such as
a. Universal electronic medical records that can be accessed easily.
b. Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) that will be used to determine which treatments you can and cannot receive.
America already has socialist health care where nearly half of all care is already funded with
tax dollars.Prices for treatment are set by what the government is willing to pay in many cases. In other cases, payment by private insurance and HMO concerns indicate one thing.
THERE ARE PRESENTLY NO FREE MARKET PRICES OR PRACTICES IN MEDICINE,PERIOD. The US health care system, which is failing over 50 million people completely, that is the leading cause of bankruptcy, that is making US companies non-competitive, that promotes family break-ups, that exposes the vulnerable to unnecessary medical harm, and that sucks up over 18 percent of GDP while producing life expectancy and infant mortality figures that make some Third World countries look good.
Obviously the tort system generates much of the malaise. However, what is not visible is how ruling class controls all aspects of medical care from cradle to grave. The corporatocracy, sprung by attorney-lobbyist reign, have totally altered how prospective medical doctors are taught,trained, and licensed. Too often too many healthcare providers have become too autocratic in pushing chemical-based treatments when perhaps natural healing solutions were in order. A prime example is cancer treatment.
What group inspires the lack of meritorious discussion,innovation, and competitiveness? The attorney profession of course. Their illegal participation in the legislative,executive,and on the bench have allowed them to infiltrate all layers of people's lives. This has enabled this privately controlled and internationally affiliated group to transform America's Constitutional Republic
into their private fiefdom. If anyone questions the repressive control by the predatory elite, just glance at the outrageous legal fees. In a court case in Colorado, a plaintiff received one dollar. Attorneys received hundreds of thousands of dollars.
One would think that Americans would explode,lock and load when they see the
symptoms of tyranny taking over liberties. Too many citizens are at the brink. Hopefully
they will draw this conclusion. Put the infiltrators back on the trojan horse. No attorneys
in office!!
Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
Covington, Virginia
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