Saturday, October 08, 2011

Grand Jury System Needs Repair-By Harsha Sankar

Dear Citizen, April 2000

As more and more citizens are becoming aware of judicial deceit and jury nullification, our grand jury system needs to be fixed. Too many innocent people are being indicted and prosecuted simply because the grand juries are inadequately informed and thus they make bad findings.

The Fully informed Jury Association has made progress in that direction but they do not include Fully Informed Grand Juries in their agenda.

Unfortunately, defense lawyers support FIJA and oppose Fully Informed Grand Juries, apparently for financial reasons. No indictment means no trial and no trial means no legal fees.

We The People,not favored by the establishment and who have no financial interests in injustice other than to avoid legal extortion and persecution, must insist on Fully Informed Grand Juries. Grand juries can not only refuse to indict, they can order investigations, subpoena whomever they choose, and issue presentments ordering that indictments be drawn. FIGJ’s could put an end to the unConstitutional Confidential Informer Doctrine, to prosecutors withholding exculpatory evidence,and other crimes systematically committed by agents of government.

Bad laws are a subsidy for lawyers and other members of the judicial industry and the police state.

America’s government and consequently its legal system is out of control.

To learn about this review, visit this website Other web sites that must be reviewed are and


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