Saturday, July 05, 2014

The Establishment And Maintenance Of Anti-Christ Systems Serve As Harbingers-By Harsha Sankar

  Dear Citizen,                December 26th, 2013

           As the whole world observed Christmas, I watched excerpts of two of my favorite movies The Omen and Damien:Omen II. These movies dealt with the early years of the Anti-Christ. While both movies delved into the arena of the supernatural, both movies gave realistic accounts of The Beast's childhood. 

         I occasionally study about The Bible for the sake of knowledge and information. It talks about Satan and the Anti-Christ(s) in the Book of Revelation. As I understand it, its passages about the Anti-Christ(s) cannot be taken too literally. The apostles who cited the Son of Man,in my view, provided guidelines in its description.

        If I believed in the existence of Satan and the Anti-Christ,I would label the worldwide BAR Associations and the International Banking Cartel that owns the Federal Reserve as Satanic and as truly Instruments of  The Devil. That's why Jesus condemned Lawyers and Money-Changers! In his time, nearly all said he was radical and mad. It is only because he knew that their organized union would perpetuate tyranny,the true creation of Satan!
        Jesus preached Free Will! He believed in individual rights and his/her right to have direct access to governance and to God! Yet the BAR denies our right of direct access(habeas corpus) to Courts. The American Constitution was written for all American citizens and it guarantees that any American has the right to provide counsel to any other American in a Court Of Law in criminal cases. Yet the American Branch of the world-wide BAR Associations deprives the American citizens of this right as it limits the role of Assistance of Counsel to BAR Attorneys.  

       For those who believe in the concept of Satan, heed these words. The New World Order is here. The World Trade Organization has just gained unprecedented authority and there is no going back.
        The Bible,in my estimation,talks about the Luciferian One-World Government being gradually ushered in. The gospel talks about one-world governance, not as a single entity, but rather as a concept that people will unwittingly embrace without realizing that it is merely an export from Satan.

        People will willingly allow the debauchery of our money and our rights from the Internationalist Fed & BAR. With the FED controlling the world's currencies and the BAR controlling the world's legal systems, it is only a matter of time before the entire world is reduced to abject submission. The Anti-Christ systems will not come across as heinous or evil but rather it will be marketed as attractive and appealing.

       Always remember that the Color of Money & and the Color of Law will pave the way and soften the ground for the lawlessness that is needed to usher in the New World Order.Individual rights and sovereignty will be relics of the past.

       Jesus warned about non-representative organizations peddling influences to the "masses", infecting people with irrational collectivism that only elites(e.g. ex. attorneys) know what's best for the people. Jesus insisted that all individuals have not just the right but the responsibility to think for oneself.

      As a Hindu, I do not believe that Jesus was "God". However,most of the teachings and prophecies of the Bible cannot be denied.

     It's in the Bible. Read,Learn,Understand! 

                                                                              Very Truly Yours,

                                                                              Harsha Sankar
                                                                              908 Valley Ridge Road
                                                                              Covington,Virginia 24426


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