Sunday, January 15, 2012

Socialism In Economic Sector,Capitalism In Government Spells Ruin-By Harsha Sankar

Dear Citizen, April 1996

The Line-Item veto was finally given to the President after elected congresspeople passed it. The Federal Employees Credit Union Files suit, hoping a judge will overturn it.

In California, proposition 187, is passed by an overwhelming majority of its citizens. It was a referendum denying taxpayer funded benefits to people who are in this nation illegally. So what? A judge overturns it immediately due to special interests pressure.

In Alabama,Justice Mark Kennedy overturned laws placing caps on punitive damages because it was unpopular with the trial attorneys who argued their cases before him despite the fact most Alabamians held these laws in high regard.

The Supreme Court struck down a meaningful law that would have established a limit on what any prospective federal legislative, executive and judgeship candidate could spend on his or her campaign. They declare this law is a violation of the Free Speech Amendment even though these prospects seek a public office with public responsibility.

This “Judicial activism” is paralyzing the government and is paralyzing America. On the pretext of Constitution protectionism, many judges (State and Federal) are wielding veto power in such a promiscuous fashion that they are acting as monarchs. In reality, their actions are destroying the very principles of democracy on which this nation was formed. This process insulta the intelligence and integrity of the average, hardworking voter as it deprives them of their rights and gives too much power to the Courts,lawyers,lobbyists and to the big corporations who can afford these “mouthpieces” in legislative, executive and judicial halls of government.

The U.S Constitution does not give power for federal courts to make laws or dictate policy to either government or private agencies. However, this is taking place now, as outrageous amounts of money, are being awarded. Marginal lawbreakers and perpetrators of victimless crimes are being punished severely and violent offenders and criminals who injure people by committing massive theft and fraud receive light sentences.

Many federal and state judges have seized too much power at the working people’s expense. It is costing America in terms of tax dollars, public safety and personal freedoms. One glaring example of this waste was the $100 million spent of taxpayers' dollars on the Rodney King civil rights matter.

It is simply no wonder that our laws are no longer black and white,that they are instead voluminous,nebulous and therefore meaningless.The rule of the law has now given in to the rule of the lawyers.State judges who run for office receive huge campaign contributions from the trial lawyers who argue their cases in their presence.Other state judges who do not have to seek direct election are reconfirmed by the Bar Association.Federal judges are appointed for life.In any set up, judges are not accountable to the general public.

The incentive is too great for judges to cater to the interests of the few as Middle America shoulders this burden.

The only way for productive Americans to stem this rot is to contact their elected officials and tell them to support reconfirmation of judges by elected officials only at least once every ten years. All are urged to call 1-202-224-3121 and voice their support for H.J. Resolution 63, which proposes to do just that. More importantly, urgency is required by people to support campaign finance reform and H.R 2566. This rot originates from the present campaign finance system.

This letter has been written to garner support for true campaign finance reform. The way campaigns are financed presently is polluting the political system, destroying representative government, and is giving undue power to the lawyers, lobbyists, bureaucrats, union management, corporate executives, and other special interests. It is not possible for this nation to achieve much needed and overdue reforms in this legal and healthcare systems without limits on what people can contribute directly to campaigns. A common argument given by opponents of true campaign finance reform is that spending limits and limits on contributions to political campaigns are an infringement to free speech, which is stipulated in the First Amendment of the Constitution. While many people who advocate this point do not have ulterior motives, this position is often maintained as a guise and trojan horse to preserve the present corrupt atatus quo, which now and has been growing at a alarming rate for the last ten years.

True freedom of one person or group of people can never come at the expense of others and vice versa. Freedom does not mean freedom to do wrong. The freedom to buy government for gain (personal or ideological)is wrong. This exercise of power is not practicing freedom. It prevents equal access to government by other groups and individuals.

A constitutional government’s chief trademark is the one-man vote concept. This is the very foundation on which this nation was founded and the Bill of Rights framed. People,regardless of wealth and background,should voice their rights and responsibilities at the ballot box. Government should not be subject to the marketplace unlike free markets and enterprise. Government is a social responsibility and should not auctioned off to the highest bidder seeking public office. The three branches of government is a public responsibility and it should not be handled by capitalists in the private sector. Mammoth contributions to political campaigns are merely investments or to put it bluntly, bribes. While capitalism works best in all economic activity, socialism should prevail in government as government should treat all equally.

Very Truly Yours,

Harsha Sankar


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