Viable Plan For Assistance Of Counsel- A Harsha Sankar Article
Dear Citizen, August 15th, 2017
Qatar will pay attorney John Ashcroft $2.5 Million to defend against terrorism accusations.
So much for honest work based on honest advice at reasonable professional rates. An advocate's fee may not be the same as working men's wages.However, it should not be 20 to 1000 times more. It should be relative to what most people earn and can readily afford.
So much for honest work based on honest advice at reasonable professional rates. An advocate's fee may not be the same as working men's wages.However, it should not be 20 to 1000 times more. It should be relative to what most people earn and can readily afford.
There is only one way for America and other nations to restore the
most valued individual right; the right to access their own courts for
the redress of grievances.
The only solution is the abolition and dissolution of the BAR Associations and the disbandment of the attorney "profession".
Certainly people have the right to legal assistance without limitation except those involved in conflicts of interest.
I have proposed a plan that even allows professional assistance of counsel for pay. People who provide these paid professional services should regulated by an agency of executive governmental branch(state or federal) that obviously would not be comprised of anyone who has provided such assistance. In addition, all government officials,including those in the judiciary, should be banned from providing such assistance at least two years before the assumption of and after the departure from office. The blatant and criminally corrupt conflicts of interest that exist today is because dual participation is allowed now.
Just like people can hire their next door neighbor to work on their car, people can hire anyone(provided they are also a citizen as well) to assist with their legal matter. Any matter involving Assistance Of Counsel requires proper disclosure to the proper government agency.
Of course the problem with hiring an "amateur" instead of a "paid professional" is that the "amateur" is not already registered with the state agency and therefore is not required to be competent. Those are the risks an individual has to assess.
My plan is so good and is the only viable plan. People who have pending cases will still have the option to be "represented" by their now defunct-attorney. My plan guarantees that the people win, society wins, and even the honest defunct-attorneys win. Only the fee-gougers, wholesale manipulators, and law violators lose.
Please read,internalize, and circulate.
Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington, Virginia
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