Secret Societies Are The Enemies Of Law & Constitution
Dear Citizen, June 2nd, 2015
All must go to youtube or google and watch this compelling video "Congressional Candidate Slams American Bar Association". It is a narrative by Andy Ostrowski who ran for office last year.
Before I summarize, people need to realize that most of mankind has been enslaved by the Tyrannical and Clandestine Bar Associations and the BAR has done this via stealth!
Andy Ostrowski claims that the Courts used to be open and transparent but now are no longer. He talks about the BAR Associations having exclusive power to administrate justice. He says BAR Associations were not part of the foundation of America and that they are not part of the fabric of America's Republic or democracy!
Ostrowski cites that the existing discplinary process is utilized only to silence and censor those who have criticisms of the judiciary!
Ostrowski states that The BAR has taken access of justice and law away from the individuals and then placed that access exclusively into the hands of attorneys! Justice therefore is not being fairly administered and that in itself is the root cause of the erosion of liberties in America.
Bar associations and attorneys were not mentioned in the American Constitution or Declaration of Independence! Bar Assocations did not even exist until after the American Civil War!
In England,The Queen used to appoint Knights of St.John to administer law.These knights then formed the Middle Temple.The Sovereign Middle Temple then created the BAR to help administer the law.Proof of this is BAR Attorneys are called Esquires"Servants of the Knight". The American Constitution prohibits Titles of Nobility and yet the term esquire exists.
Knights Of St. John,which created the BAR Associations,created Free Masonry!Free Masons are secret societies! Many jurists are free masons. Secret Societies are the enemies of the Law,Constituion, and The People.
Ostrowski states that the individuals need to have the right to present their cases and have their cases properly administered and adjudged according to the Constitution and law.
The Expansion of Extensive Government Empowerment is due to a lack of Checks and Balances. This total lack is undermining our Republic! The playing field is being tilted towards the Corporates and Big Banks at the expense of individual rights and free enterprise.
I have been citing this for 24 years. It is perhaps overdue that a political aspirant is bringing this to the forefront.
Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington,Virginia 24426
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