Global Pandemic Is War-A Harsha Sankar Article
Dear Citizen, March 30th, 2020
Expressed are my firm outlined views on this global pandemic. . This is the first part of this series.
1. This outbreak is indeed a very, very serious matter! No one should
downplay it. This could easily lead to catastrophe if people totally
ignore it.
2. There is NO EASY WAY OUT when it comes to
dealing with this potential pandemic. Losses will be great regardless of
which routes are pursued.
3. Now is not the time to play
"politics" with this crisis. Many millions of lives are at stake and
simple, well-laid, and structured solutions are in order.
4. The American People cannot rely on the White House and Federal
Government to solve this issue for them. They must rely much more on
state and local governments to provide leadership on this blight.
5. There is no need to panic but precautions must be taken. Directives
from the government must be strictly followed. Casual approaches will
not work.
6. This is War. All must think and act for the collective
good now. Whether one likes him or not, President Trump is now the Boss
of All American People. While we are free to express our views,we must
place our trust and confidence in his leadership. In a time of crisis,
especially on an unprecedented basis, there can only be one ultimate
leader. All must try to co-operate as much as possible.
Please also support Governor Northam and local officials as well.
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