Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The Handling Of Covid-19 Lockdowns In All Democratic Modes- By Harsha Sankar

 Dear Citizen,                                                                          May 18th,2020


In the USA,Imperial Democratic proponents want total martial law measures to be perpetuated indefinitely! They believe government should have all the authority and accept all the responsibility.

In America, direct democratic proponents want everything to be totally re-opened without any restrictions/precautions and they do not want government to do anything. They believe the people and individual(s) should have all the authority and accept all the responsibility.

I believe both sides are brainwashed. We all must be Representative Democratic proponents instead in which authority and responsibility must be shared by the people and government. People need to get back to work and their lives. However, government provisions and restrictions need to be put in place. The nation is still in crisis mode.

Obviously we should not be scared into isolation forever. However, if we are rash in re-opening without being prudent, the biggest fear is there could be a second wave that will make the first wave look like a sniffle run.

Either way, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Business, and Big Government win. The people, the US Constitution, and the Representative Democratic process lose.


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