Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The "BAR" Is The Biggest Terrorist Organization-A Harsha Sankar Article

Dear Citizen,                                               September 2020

CNN settles $275 million lawsuit with Covington, Kentucky student Nick Sandmann.
This is the testament to the fact that the biggest terrorist organization is the BAR and their agents, the attorney profession. They allow ungodly sums of money to be sought in civil justice lawsuits so they can extort money and therefore suppress free speech and free press. I am no fan of CNN but they have the right to report the news as they see fit. Allow the marketplace to eventually decide their level of truthfulness.

They constantly foment fake divisions(liberal vs conservative, Republican vs. Democrat, Black vs. White) so they can exercise total domain, dominion, and domination over the people and yet people cannot see through this charade.

We need a Representative Republic based on Representative Democracy now. We need a legal system that is free of private fiefdom control that emphasizes proof of everything, including damages.


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