Saturday, February 22, 2020

Those who make the law should be elected! Those who apply and enforce the law should be selected!- A Harsha Sankar Article

Dear Citizen,                                                          October 30th,2019
Those who make the law should be elected! Those who apply and enforce the law should be selected! Elections for sheriff, prosecutors, treasurers,school board members,and even court clerks are not a good idea. It makes their role too political and affected by the winds of populism. They need to be appointed instead and subject to re-confirmation every 4-8 years by both the local executive and local legislative government branches.

The U.S. Constitution requires States to have the same form of divided government as the federal government. Local governments too should have that same form of divided government. Every county, just like every city, should have one elected representative to head the executive branch and then have elected representatives to represent a specific area within that county.

The "mayor" of the city and county should nominate candidates for sheriff or police commissioner,for school board members, for treasurer,and for court's clerk(since that is an administrative position, therefore belonging in the executive branch). The legislative branch will approve nomination with a majority vote or disapprove the nomination with 60% of their vote.

Only the legislators and head of the executive branches should be elected since both branches are involved in the law-making process.

                                                                        Very Truly Yours,
                                                                         Harsha Sankar
                                                                         908 Valley Ridge Road
                                                                         Covington, Virginia 24426


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