Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Pakistan and India:Will Reunification Ever Happen? Part Four- By Harsha Sankar(July 2020)


Pakistan and India:Will Reunification Ever Happen? Part Four

The British drew the lines of the Indian sub-continent as they drew the lines of the Middle East. They had one purpose in mind in doing so. They designed it so that as much division and infighting would exist.

The British did not want stability in the ME and Indian Sub-Continent as they knew that if unity and peace existed in those regions, they would overtake the prominent roles once enjoyed by Western Europe.

The British kept Gandhi, Nehru, and other top secular Indian leaders in jail for three years, thus allowing the All-India Muslim League to convince Muslims in majority-Muslim areas in India that partition was necessary. There was no countervailing voice in that time period. Less than 16 months after these leaders were released,the British announced their immediate exit from India within six months. That left Indians no time to advise its people on the consequences of Partition and how to prepare for its possibility.

The Partition Of 1947 of the Indian subcontinent was ranked in the top ten of global human disasters in the 20th Century. 73 years later, is there hope that this catastrophe can be undone?

Stay tune to my next post.


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