Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Free And Fair Elections Are Vital Features Of A Representative Democratic Republic- Part Three (A Harsha Sankar Article) December 2020

Free And Fair Elections Are Vital Features Of A Representative Democratic Republic- Part Three

Because of the proliferation of the unconstitutional, hypocritical, and fraudulent Bar associations and their unlawful agents, "the attorney-at -law profession",all matters have become civil to accommodate the huge influx of attorneys in the last five decades so they can extort more money and influence.

The transnational BAR has converted our entire system of governance(politics and law) into an arbitration center of private justice. There is no public law anymore as the entire apparatus is their private fiefdom. President Trump or his campaign is not supposed to have any involvement in these legal actions. No other private entities, such as attorneys Lin Wood, Sydney Powell, American Center for Law and Justice, and others should be involved in these legal actions.
Private actors should never  participate in constitutional matters involving state and local governments.

They should neither ever be included in the prosecution of crimes. Many people are skeptical of the allegations of massive and vote fraud. For most of them to be convinced, all crimes associated with this fraud must be prosecuted by all levels of law enforcement. The American people want specific guilty people to experience jail time and/or fines for anyone who engages in fraud or obstruction. They are much more worried about fixing deceitful elections then they are about which candidate won the Presidency.

Even if Trump remains as President,what has he really won if people who were responsible for this extreme rigging are not punished? Moreover, it is totally imperative that the voting systems are fixed so that these crimes do not happen again. It is important to note that BAR hegemony of our legal system has "watered" the rule of legitimate law to the greatest extent. High levels of standardlessness have arisen because of this. This consequently has promoted total promiscuity as well as the erosion of objective and standalone principles.


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