Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Nuke Football Still In Possession Of "Former" President Trump-By Harsha Sankar(January 2021)


Why was Trump, as the outgoing President, allowed to take the set of nuclear codes with him on his way to Florida? This makes no sense considering it is always strict protocol for a military aide of the outgoing President to give the "nuclear football" to the military aide of the incoming President.

The MSM was stating that shortly after Trump arrived at his resort around 11 a.m., the codes, used to authenticate his orders, was deactivated and that new codes and another nuclear football was ready for Biden after he took the oath of office.

The problem with that version is how would the media know that for certain this was the case? After all, why would President Trump take that "Nuclear Football" with him to Florida if it was going to be de-activated a couple hours later. The transfer should have taken place between the designated military aides well before he left the White House for the last time. It could be stated that this "nuclear football" has to be with the President at all times. Then why did Trump depart for Florida early? He could have stayed in D.C. until his term expired and then depart for Florida. After all, what is a couple extra hours spent at the White House?

With prior change of administrations, a special key has to be handed with this "Nuclear Football" and several other protocol measures need to be taken to make certain this highly sensitive transfer is completed properly. First the corporate media was stating that Trump would send back those codes(nuclear football) from Florida. Their statement was incorrect but that is absolutely not how that transfer works. Now these News Outlets are stating that a new "Nuclear Football" was made for Biden as the "old Niclear Football" was de-activated. This latest assessment makes no sense because again that is not how it works.

Those nuclear codes are highly complex, intricate,numerous, and sophisticated. It cannot be reprogrammed on the spot like a hotel key. If it could, it would have been done on all other previous occasions in which administrations have changed. No one can really know what really is happening but it is not "adding up".

This transfer takes place between the designated military aides of the incoming and outgoing Presidents. Of course no President will physically carry those bags. Who is idiotic enough to believe that?

The President has to have those codes at all times. However, since only he and a few select who have total control of the nuclear arsenal know these codes, how can those codes be de-activated just like that? That makes no sense. What would be the use of him knowing those codes if it can be easily de-activated? Those "codes" are transferred from the outgoing President to the incoming President in two big bags via key military aides. If those codes can be de-activated, then why would those bags be used? Again, this makes no sense.

There is is reason why those two bags are transferred from one President to another. De-activation cannot take place without physical proof. Those bags would have to be submitted before de-activation takes place. A physical submittal of the bags are needed because the actual codes have to be present before that can take place.


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