Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Oddities in Joseph Biden's Presidential Oath Of Office-By Harsha Sankar(January 2021)

In that video of Joseph Biden's oath of office, there were a number of discrepancies.

Keep in mind that the woman in pink and the Oriental were behind Biden's daughter and not behind Jill Biden. Therefore, there was no discrepancy as far as that goes. However, there is a short-haired lady with a white mask and also a bald man with a blue mask and stars who both are in one video slide but are both not in the other video slide of the same event. Since the video slide should have had both those two in it since they are shooting the same angle (behind Jill Biden), it is clear as the oath taken by Joe Biden was not administered at the same time.

In one video shot, there is a long haired young "dirty blonde" woman who had an Oriental man and a brunette woman in pink in front of her. She is also in the other video shot but in this video shot there are neither of those two people in front of her. People are being played.

The truth is that "Sleepy Joe" cannot take the oath without interruptions. That "Dirty Blonde" lady I was referring to was wearing different masks in the different video shots. In one video slide, there is a grey haired man directly behind Jill Biden. He was wearing a tie. In the other video shot, he simply is not there and a short-haired lady donning white was directly behind Jill Biden.

Joseph Biden obviously did not take that oath in a continuous fashion.


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