Monday, February 15, 2021

The Prospects Of Presidential Election in January 2021-Part One (A Harsha Sankar Article)

The Prospects Of Presidential Election in January 2021-Part One

If Vice-President Michael Pence does what he is supposed to do, he rejects the envelopes of certified lists of the electors from either all. some, or one of the six states in question since their elections are still being investigated. If and when he does that, the choosing of the President goes to the House Of Representatives if neither candidate can amass 270 elector votes. Each state would have one vote.

If Vice-President succumbs to political pressure and decides to accept and announce the entire vote total to the US Congress, the following will happen.

1. The Congress could totally accept the official slate of electors submitted by the executive of each of the 50 states. That would give Joseph Biden the Presidency.

2. The US Congress could pick Donald Trump's slate of electors from either one, some, or all of the states that had a dual slate of electors. There are 7 states that have this dual slate. If this choosing of Trump's electors from the just mentioned states would give him 270 electors' votes, he would remain as President for the next four years.

3. If Congressional objections of votes from electors causes neither candidate to reach the 270 mark, the Presidential election would be sent to the House of Representatives. Each state would have one vote to cast for a specific Presidential candidate. The top three candidates would be fielded.


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