Saturday, December 19, 2020

Citizens Have The Right To Be Protected From Anything Not Properly Passed As Law- A Harsha Sankar Article(December 2020)

Dear Citizen,

Frankly, Trump should not have to be pursuing anything. Real crimes have been committed and the local, state, and federal prosecutors should be cracking down on this.

As per defective laws, the US Supreme Court is supposed to have original jurisdiction when states file suit against each other. "In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction".

Presidential candidate Trump can take States to US Supreme Court for the same reasons Texas and other States did. It would be over constitutional violations. Article 4 Section 4 Phrase 1 of the US Constitution states: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government" Frankly, this means that each state branch of government shall have the same powers as their federal counterparts. The emphasis is divided government as each branch has its own separate role and power.

No State is authorized to allow a non-legislative body to change the manner in which anything is handled from the manner by which the laws dictate. No State is authorized to allow changes in the manner in which anything is handled that is in violation of its Constitution. Only the proper amendment process can alter the directives of its constitution.

Presidential Candidate Donald Trump has the right to be protected from anything that has not been properly passed as law, plain and simple. A candidate for office has the right to take a State to the United States Supreme Court provided he or she is not a citizen of that State. Since President Trump is a resident of Washington, D.C., he is not a citizen of any State.

                                                                   Harsha Sankar


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