Crossroads Of Oppression's End: Liberty Or Greater Tyranny-Part Four South Africa Session Seven (A Harsha Sankar Post)
When Colonialists from Europe descended on the Western Hemisphere, Asia, and Africa, they would provide certain infrastructure (sanitation, medical clinics, roads/bridges/canals,and even primary schools) to the domesticated locals. The addage "The Natives Are Restless" was heavily internalized by the conquering elite. They knew they had to bribe the subjugated locals to keep them content, docile, and submissive.
The "White Government" did the same for the Blacks and Coloureds in South Africa and for the same reasons. They emphasized the previously described services. However, when "Black Government" took over, these socialized services no longer received the same billing in terms of prioritization. Since Blacks and Coloureds were part of their own independent democracy, they no longer could expect the same benefits from their own government that they received previously from their "White Dictators".
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