Saturday, February 12, 2022

Real Solutions To Minimizing Violence Against The Black Community- By Harsha Sankar


Notorious Black attorney Benjamin Crump states that a Black American cannot feel safe walking the streets in America.

Reality dictates only the reverse is true. I have extensive experience with people who happened to be Black, particularly in the inner city.

Of all the crimes and acts of violence I heard and even saw in the inner city, not one of the perpetrators was White. A few were Hispanic White and couple were Asian Oriental. The remainder was Black. Nearly exclusively the perpetrators were Black.

While these perpetrators are a small percentage of the Black population, they still commit well over half the murders and violent crimes in the nation.

While the majority of their victims are other Blacks, they are now committing more acts of random violence against other POCs, namely Asian Americans. Many Blacks are indeed unsafe in their own neighborhoods but that is due to Black-on-Black violence.

Benjamin Crump has looted millions for himself supporting such a narrative. Hypocrisy is alive and well. The real solution is not looting and debauchery by the BAR attorney profession. The real solutions lie in certain reforms such as the legalization of drugs and the protection of police officers from civil liability.


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