Saturday, October 08, 2022

Alternative Choosing Of The Vice-Governor Electors- Part Two

These electors are publicly voted, on a direct popular vote basis, by registered voters in each locality.
Every vice-governor elector will receive electoral votes as follows. The population of a locality as per the latest census is divided by 100,000 ( Hundred Thousand) and then rounded up to the nearest whole value. That whole value is the base number of electoral votes. After that each locality is allocated an additional two electoral votes to that base number of electoral votes. The additional two electoral votes symbolizes the fact that each locality is represented by two officeholders (state delegate/assemblymen and state senator) in the state legislature. 

For example, Bath County Virginia has the population of 4307. So when its population figure is divided by 100,000 and rounded up to the nearest whole value, that figure would be one electoral vote. After the addition of two electoral votes, Bath County Virginia would have three electoral votes for its choice of vice-governor elector. 

Another example is New York City, New York. Their population is 8.27 million. So when its population figure is divided by 100,000 and then rounded up to the nearest whole value, that figure would be 83 electoral votes. After the addition of two electoral votes, NY,NY would have a total of 85 electoral votes for its choice for vice-governor elector.

The vice-governor's role and responsibility is more legislative than the governor's. Therefore its election must be more land-based. The population factor must "carry lesser weight" and must be less emphasized than in the governor's election. This can only happen if there are less electoral votes in total assigned to all localities in a vice-governor's election than electoral votes in total assigned to all localities in a governor's election. Less electoral votes in total means land-based mode is more emphasized.  This is because each locality has more of the same voting power with other localities than if there were more electoral votes in total. 

Cliff Notes Version: This is another way of having the Vice-Governor electors chosen. All eligible voters of a locality directly choose that locality's elector for this position. 
Electoral votes are allocated as follows. The population of a locality, based on the latest census, is divided by 100,000. Then that resulting numerical figure is rounded up to the nearest whole number. Two additional electoral votes are finally provided to each locality's total of electoral votes. 


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