Saturday, October 08, 2022

The Use Of Electors: Clarification-Part Twenty


The Use Of Electors: Clarification-Part Twenty 

The 12th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution made it very clear the process that was to happen if the majority of the electors failed to choose the President or Vice-President. That process should remain the same.

However, nowhere was it mentioned in the U.S. Constitution on how these electors should be chosen. It basically states that these electors are to be chosen by state law. Of course it prohibits anyone in an office of trust and profit to serve as elector.

Since government has changed and the federal government is much more powerful than what it was at the time of the founding of the nation, that document should specifically describe how electors for head executives at the federal and even state level should be chosen.

After all, the U.S Constitution calls for all states to have a Republic form of government. Since states are no longer sovereign republics but are indeed franchises of the federal government, the U.S. Constitution must specify directly how their electors are to be chosen as well.


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