Thursday, December 08, 2022

The Taliban ,After A 20 Year Submergence, Re-Emerges (August 2021)


The Taliban is back in power officially. During the 20 year American invasion and occupation, they never really went away. They were present in about 70% of Afghanistan. The American military were only successful in driving that regime out of Kabul and Kandahar.

Please read the following facts.

In 2011, America had 100,000 troops in Afghanistan. In May of this year, it is down to 2500.

From 2009 to 2021, 38,000 Afghanistan civilians were killed by the war. 70,000 were wounded.

Since 2018, 400,000 Afghanis have been displaced.

In 20 years, according to Pentagon figures, 2500 Americans have been killed and 21,000 have been wounded. However, the real figures could be much higher.

From 2014-2019, nearly 50,000 Afghani Security have been killed by this conflict.

The US "War On Terror" in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan have cost American taxpayers 6.4 trillion. In 2001, no girl in Afghanistan was allowed to study by the Taliban. Now nearly 10 million children are in school and over 40% are girls. Twenty years ago, there were 3000 schools in that nation. Now there are 18,000.

This is a six fold increase. 30% of Afghanistan's lower legislative house are women. Women were obviously not allowed to hold office when the Taliban ran the nation. Since their fall, women have gone on to hold senior political, judicial and bureaucratic positions.

Since the fall of the Taliban, infant mortality decreased by more than 50%.

Now that America's "2nd Vietnam" has ended in predictable failure. America failed in Vietnam after 15 years of military action for the same reasons they failed in Afghanistan now. There never was a military solution.

The best way to defeat the Taliban is for America and Europe to do nothing. Allow the people in Afghanistan to rise up against the Taliban. If genocide, extreme human rights atrocities, and massive starvation/fleeing takes place, then it is the responsibility of neighboring nations to handle this situation. This is what happened in Cambodia when the Khmer Rouge came to power.

Vietnam proved that no nation is meant to be the world's police. On its own and left alone, the situation in that landlocked nation should take care of itself. 

American presence only caused the domestic population to be bitter and resentful. If America had not invaded, the Taliban would have been ousted either by their own people or by a neighboring nation. Hardlinism breeds hardlinism. Taliban feeds off of it. They cannot survive in peaceful times. They need enemies.



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