Tuesday, January 17, 2023

 Philosophical Objectives Of The Representarian Party-Part Nineteen Session Three

Philosophical Objectives Of The Representarian Party-Part Nineteen Session Three

BAR judges like to use the phrase/quote "He who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client." to discourage individual(s) from presenting his/her own case. It must be noted that people need to inform the judge who uses that quote of the following as well as what is posted in previous sessions.

The individual litigant(s) needs to reply that an attorney at-law is not a lawyer nor does it meet the definition of counsel. That litigant(s) furthermore must explain that a BAR attorney-at-law is an officer of the court who has been assigned (unconstitutionally of course) the title of esquire which is a title of nobility. 

Finally that individual litigant(s) must reveal that an attorney at-law "attorns" by turning over matters to the court administration for adjudication and that their first loyalty is to the court administration and not to the client. This is in contrast to the role of lawyer or even counsel, whose role is to serve the client solely by advocating the law. While an attorney at-law and lawyer or counsel must obey the law, an attorney's capacity and loyalty is different than the capacity of lawyer and/or of counsel.


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