Friday, May 19, 2023

Philosophical Objectives Of The Representarian Party-Part Twenty (By Harsha Sankar)

Philosophical Objectives Of The Representarian Party-Part Twenty A Bar Association judge will often try to unlawfully intimidate and coerce an individual into hiring an Attorney at-law. That judge will often tell that individual who chooses to present his/her case that he/she is not following procedures and/or is making mistakes. People need to be aware of how to counter that judge's game and tricks.
The choice to present one's case is either a conscience one and/or a necessary one. No government official can coerce or intimidate an individual from doing anything that he/she does not want to do if they have the lawful right to do otherwise. In other words, once a lawful right is declared for the purpose of assertion, it has to be respected.
Once an individual declares that he/she will present his/her case in a court of law and/or do his/her legal work in an administrative branch that handles judicial record-keeping, all government officials including judges must totally respect that decision. The judge or any other government official must be told that if he/she cannot respect that decision from an individual, he/she has to remove himself from the bench or any other office of authority.
"Respect my right to present my own case or remove yourself from the bench, Mr. Judge" is what should be told to any judge. An individual may choose to present his/her case due to social conscience. There are other individuals who simply cannot afford an attorney at-law "officer of the court" and thereby have no choice but to present his/her own case. The courts, the judicial branch of government, must guarantee that all individual(s) have access to it for the purpose of adjudication of the law.


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