In China, as the pandemic has nearly completed its third year, that nation is expecting a tsunami of Covid. Many experts are now predicting that China will have 800 million infections, 279 million cases, and 1.3-2.1 million deaths in the first three months of 2023.
Many are blaming the end of the draconian lockdowns for this unprecedented massive wave. Severe lockdowns are only effective in the first ten weeks of a bad epidemic or pandemic. After that, its effectiveness wanes. While these lockdowns have helped to a certain extent to limit the spread, it has caused its society far more harm that good after that ten week window.
Since Covid is mainly airborne, lockdowns after the ten week period have only marginally halted the spread of Covid. A major reason for this is Covid is primarily an airborne virus. How will a prolonged lockdown be effective against that? Limiting crowds will help in the short term but it will have a null effect in the long term.
If this "Tsunami" takes places in which 10% of the world's population is infected, it must be speculated that maybe another lab bio-weapon, called the B.F7 variant of Covid, was released in China a few months ago. This would explain why other contiguous nations and province, such Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong have seen such a steep rise in Covid infections and cases in the last 6 months.
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