Commentary On Elections-Part Seventy-Seven (Session One-Session Six)
Commentary On Elections-Part Seventy-Seven (Session One)
Government Modes Of Participation In Different Branches And At Different Levels By The Same Individual(s)
direct democratic mode- There is no ban or waiting periods for people, who are already participants in one branch of government at one level, from participating in a different capacity in the same or in another branch government at either the same or different level.
In other words, a local participant of government can be allowed to participate in a different capacity in either the same or in another branch of government at either the state or at the federal level without any restrictions. Moreover a state participant of government can be allowed to participate in a different capacity in either the same or in another branch of government at either the local or at the federal level without any restrictions. Lastly a federal participant of government can be allowed to participate in a different capacity in either the same or in another branch of government at either the local or at the state level without any restrictions.
Commentary On Elections-Part Seventy-Seven (Session Two)
Government Modes Of Participation In Different Branches And At Different Levels By The Same Individual(s)
Imperial Democratic mode- There is a total ban for people, who are already participants in one branch of government at one level of government, from participating in a different capacity in the same or in another branch of government at the same or at a different level of government.
In other words, a local participant of government cannot be allowed to participate in a different capacity in the same branch or in another branch of government at the state level or at the federal level. In addition, a state participant of government cannot be allowed to participate in a different capacity in the same branch or in another branch of government at the local level or at the federal level. Finally a federal participant of government cannot be allowed to participate in the same branch or in another branch of government at the local or state level.
Commentary On Elections-Part Seventy-Seven (Session Three)
Government Modes Of Participation In Different Branches And At Different Levels By The Same Individual(s)
The direct democratic mode in this specific political issue may appear to be appealing because its total lack of restrictions allows the citizenry (directly or indirectly) to choose whomever they want for a certain capacity.
The Imperial Democratic mode in this specific political issue may appear to be appealing because its total restrictions disallows anyone serving in any capacity in any branch of government other than the capacity he/she is serving. This compels the citizenry to choose only people who have only vied for that specific capacity to serve in that specific capacity.
Commentary On Elections-Part Seventy-Seven (Session Four)
Government Modes Of Participation In Different Branches And At Different Levels By The Same Individual(s)
The direct democratic mode in this specific political issue, while appealing to the electorate as they are not restricted in their direct and indirect choosing of people serving in any government branch capacity, would violate the principles of Checks and Balances and Separation Of Powers. This would erode the foundations of the Representative Republic by converting that into a direct democracy, thus allowing tyranny to prevail.
The Imperial Democratic mode in this specific political issue is appealing to the electorate as no individual would be allowed to serve more than one capacity in all government branches. However this ban would cause lack of quality and lack of continuity in governance. Just as importantly, both public and private power brokers as well as private fiefdoms would keep the politicians at bay. Politicians would answer more to them and less to the electorate and to the electorate's representative officials. This would erode the foundations of the Representative Republic by converting that into an Imperial Democracy, thus allowing tyranny to prevail.
Commentary On Elections-Part Seventy-Seven (Session Five)
Government Modes Of Participation In Different Branches And At Different Levels By The Same Individual(s)
direct democratic mode, due to lack of any type of restrictions or ban, would promote conflicts of interests as government branch officials would possess too much authority. Imperial Democratic mode, due to total restriction and total ban on allowing a government branch official from serving in another capacity in any government branch, would promote conflicts of interests as fiefdoms outside these officials' government branch office would possess too much authority.
Basically stated, direct democratic mode in pertinence to this issue allows each and every government branch official to have too much power while Imperial Democratic Mode in pertinence to this issue allows others to possess too much authority as they would heavily influence each and every government branch official.
The only mode that would be viable, functional, and proper is the Representarian Democratic Mode. The next post will outline it.
Commentary On Elections-Part Seventy-Seven (Session Six)
Government Modes Of Participation In Different Branches And At Different Levels By The Same Individual(s)
Representative Democratic Mode- This mode has proper restrictions and bans of individual(s) serving in more than one capacity in government branch(s). It keeps conflicts of interests to a minimum and at the same time ensures quality and continuity in office of all officeholders.
A participant in any capacity in the judicial branch of government at any level (local or state or federal) has to wait a minimum of four years after his/her departure from that capacity before he/she is allowed to participate in any other capacity in the judicial branch or in any capacity in another branch of government at any level (local or state or federal).
A participant in any capacity in the executive branch of government at any level (local or state or federal) has to wait a minimum of four years after his/her departure from that capacity before he/she is allowed to participate in any capacity in the judicial branch of government at any level (local or state or federal).
A participant in any capacity in the executive branch of government at any level (local or state or federal) has to wait a minimum of four years after his/her departure from that capacity before he/she is allowed to participate in any other capacity in the executive branch of government at the same level (local or state or federal).
A participant in any capacity in the executive branch of government at any level (local or state or federal) has to wait a minimum of three years after his/her departure from that capacity before he/she is allowed to participate in any other capacity in the executive branch of government at a different level (local or state or federal).
A participant in any capacity in the executive branch of government at any level (local or state or federal) has to wait a minimum of four years after his/her departure from that capacity before he/she is allowed to participate in any capacity in the legislative branch of government at the same level (local or state or federal).
A participant in any capacity in the executive branch of government at any level (local or state or federal) has to wait a minimum of three years after his/her departure from that capacity before he/she is allowed to participate in any capacity in the legislative branch of government at a different level (local or state or federal).
A participant in any capacity in the legislative branch of government at any level (local or state or federal) has to wait a minimum of four years after his/her departure from that capacity before he/she is allowed to participate in any capacity in the judicial branch of government at any level (local or state or federal).
A participant in any capacity in the legislative branch of government at any level (local or state or federal) has to wait a minimum of four years after his/her departure from that capacity before he/she is allowed to participate in any capacity in the executive branch of government at a same level (local or state or federal).
A participant in any capacity in the legislative branch of government at any level (local or state or federal) has to wait a minimum of three years after his/her departure from that capacity before he/she is allowed to participate in any capacity in the executive branch of government at a different level (local or state or federal).
A participant in any capacity in the legislative branch of government at any level (local or state or federal) has to wait a minimum of four years after his/her departure from that capacity before he/she is allowed to participate in any other capacity in the legislative branch of government at a same level (local or state or federal).
A participant in any capacity in the legislative branch of government at any level (local or state or federal) has to wait a minimum of three years after his/her departure from that capacity before he/she is allowed to participate in any other capacity in the legislative branch of government at a different level (local or state or federal).
It must be noted that bans do not apply to designated heir apparent of an government branch official. Bans do not apply to people who serve in a different capacity but who have either the same or different function of the government official that the heir apparent replaces as an Acting role. Examples of this would be vice-governors, assistant prosecutors, or deputy sheriffs. These people would have to step in if they are needed to act in a certain capacity.
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