John Edwards- Purveyor Of Asbestos-Litigation And Junk Science Greed
Dear Citizen, February 2004
As the political season has gotten into full-swing, Senator John Edwards and his campaign for
presidency is a stern threat to our liberties and the concept of limited government. He
is a prime and hypocritical example of a politician addicted to personal injury lawyer cash.
• 86% of money contributed to Edwards’ senatorial bid came from personal injury lawyers, including $6.15 million from Edwards himself.
• $4.9 million of the $7.4 million raised during 1st quarter 2003 for the Edwards’ presidential
campaign came from personal injury lawyers. That equals 66% of all contributions.
• Edwards created the New American Optimists PAC which has received more than $3.2 million,
at an average of $70,000 per contribution, from personal injury lawyers and their associates.
Personal injury lawyer contributions to NAO constituted 70% of total contributions.
• NAO re-invested money during 2002 in early caucus states. The PAC contributed $34,000
to local candidates in New Hampshire, $103,000 in cash to the Iowa Democratic party, and $27,500 to local Iowa candidates.
Personal injury lawyers are heavily involved in funding candidates who support the agenda of
stopping tort reform and finding new ways to sue. Since 1990, the Association of Trial Lawyers of
America has contributed an estimated $19.2 million to Democrats in federal elections. Money gained from large verdicts is then invested in the political process, ensuring that the floodgate of money continues to flow to politicians and creating an endless cycle of dependency on cash gained from litigation.
Silver-tongued Senator Edwards claims to fight for the "little man" and decries against special interest lobbyists.How can anyone believe this non-sensical, duplicitous (two-faced) promotion of class warfare through massive court welfare? He has earned,or really plundered, tens of millions on asbestos litigation alone through phoney junk science. This asbestos crisis has had a widespread and devastating effect on America's job and wealth creators. To date, personal injury attorneys representing asbestos-exposure victims have extracted $57 billion,resulting in the bankruptcy of 67 companies. Thousands of businesses that have a tangible connection to asbestos use have been bled dry by $200 billion.Thousands of companies have gone bankrupt and thousands more have issued layoffs.
This has decreased the standard of living for millions by creating unemployment, suppressing
wages,sending jobs to foreign soil,decreasing much needed investment, and augmenting the gigantic yet dysfunctional welfare state. Unions, manufacturers, insurers, many democrats and republicans have discussed rational solutions to the problem by trying to create a trust fund to fairly compensate truly sick victims for all economical loss.
John Edwards, though,has been eerily silent on fixing this mess because he does not want to alienate his personal injury lawyer comrades. He is the only democrat on Senate Judiciary Committee who has opposed and been absent on the debates regarding asbestos-litigation reform. He has not supported any common sense legal reform measure. Is this possibly due the fact just one law firm, out of so many, in New York contributed $34,250.00?
Let us not be so naive to think there are not reprisals to those who openly condemn the brute force of the ruling class' adhoc law which funds their extreme excesses. The many productive people who are compelled to work for "crumbs" and do not protest are already paying dearly. Americans should never cease trying to improve our system of governance. We are living
off the virtues of the previous generations. Lethargy, apathy, and complancency will seal our doom.
"The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance"-Ben Franklin.
Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington, Virginia 24426
As the political season has gotten into full-swing, Senator John Edwards and his campaign for
presidency is a stern threat to our liberties and the concept of limited government. He
is a prime and hypocritical example of a politician addicted to personal injury lawyer cash.
• 86% of money contributed to Edwards’ senatorial bid came from personal injury lawyers, including $6.15 million from Edwards himself.
• $4.9 million of the $7.4 million raised during 1st quarter 2003 for the Edwards’ presidential
campaign came from personal injury lawyers. That equals 66% of all contributions.
• Edwards created the New American Optimists PAC which has received more than $3.2 million,
at an average of $70,000 per contribution, from personal injury lawyers and their associates.
Personal injury lawyer contributions to NAO constituted 70% of total contributions.
• NAO re-invested money during 2002 in early caucus states. The PAC contributed $34,000
to local candidates in New Hampshire, $103,000 in cash to the Iowa Democratic party, and $27,500 to local Iowa candidates.
Personal injury lawyers are heavily involved in funding candidates who support the agenda of
stopping tort reform and finding new ways to sue. Since 1990, the Association of Trial Lawyers of
America has contributed an estimated $19.2 million to Democrats in federal elections. Money gained from large verdicts is then invested in the political process, ensuring that the floodgate of money continues to flow to politicians and creating an endless cycle of dependency on cash gained from litigation.
Silver-tongued Senator Edwards claims to fight for the "little man" and decries against special interest lobbyists.How can anyone believe this non-sensical, duplicitous (two-faced) promotion of class warfare through massive court welfare? He has earned,or really plundered, tens of millions on asbestos litigation alone through phoney junk science. This asbestos crisis has had a widespread and devastating effect on America's job and wealth creators. To date, personal injury attorneys representing asbestos-exposure victims have extracted $57 billion,resulting in the bankruptcy of 67 companies. Thousands of businesses that have a tangible connection to asbestos use have been bled dry by $200 billion.Thousands of companies have gone bankrupt and thousands more have issued layoffs.
This has decreased the standard of living for millions by creating unemployment, suppressing
wages,sending jobs to foreign soil,decreasing much needed investment, and augmenting the gigantic yet dysfunctional welfare state. Unions, manufacturers, insurers, many democrats and republicans have discussed rational solutions to the problem by trying to create a trust fund to fairly compensate truly sick victims for all economical loss.
John Edwards, though,has been eerily silent on fixing this mess because he does not want to alienate his personal injury lawyer comrades. He is the only democrat on Senate Judiciary Committee who has opposed and been absent on the debates regarding asbestos-litigation reform. He has not supported any common sense legal reform measure. Is this possibly due the fact just one law firm, out of so many, in New York contributed $34,250.00?
Let us not be so naive to think there are not reprisals to those who openly condemn the brute force of the ruling class' adhoc law which funds their extreme excesses. The many productive people who are compelled to work for "crumbs" and do not protest are already paying dearly. Americans should never cease trying to improve our system of governance. We are living
off the virtues of the previous generations. Lethargy, apathy, and complancency will seal our doom.
"The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance"-Ben Franklin.
Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington, Virginia 24426
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