Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Totalitarian Psychiatry Is An Offspring Of An Totalitarian Legal System-By Harsha Sankar

Dear Citizen, December 2006

$162,155 was issued to the Alleghany County Public Schools in Covington,Virginia to provide mental health counseling services for students. Totalitarian psychiatry has arrived, the Hippocratic Oath has been annihilated, and millions of Americans will be again reduced to fodder by the abusive legal system and by the PAC's , regulatory agencies, and others who are willing to utilize it.

Written are few facts.

1. 400,000 pre-schoolers are now on ADHD medication. 40% have reported side effects.
2. Originally Ritalin was supposed to be temporarily prescribed only in the most extreme cases. In 1985 there were 500,000 cases of ADD/ADHD. In 1999, there were 7 million.
3. Since ADD was invented in 1980, hospitalizations for adolescents nearly tripled in just six years.
4. Last year, 1.6 million children and teenagers were given at least two psychotropic drugs in combination, and 500,000 were given at least three.
5. Over 8 million children in the U.S. are taking psychotropic medications.
6. Individuals 20 and younger that included prescriptions for anti-psychotic drugs grew from 201,000 in 1993 to 1.2 million in 2002. About 18 percent of visits resulted in prescriptions for anti-psychotic drugs.
7. New York University's Child Study Center speculates that 1 in 40 infants "or so" is "depressed." Psychiatrists are now saying toddlers who cry a lot may need Prozac.
8. There are now 370 mental health "disorders".
9. The number of educational psychologists increased from 455 in 1969 to 16,146 in 1992. Child psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors and special educators now out-number teachers.

This is all criminal fraud. No one has a brain scan, blood test or X-Ray to verify they are "ill" or "diseased." Yet many psychiatrists mislead the public into believing these so-called "disorders" are biochemical or neurological conditions. That is false. These are just behaviors voted into existence and inserted into their billing bible, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

In 1999, Mother Jones magazine reported that 18 drug firms gave National Alliance On Mental Illness $11.72 million between 1996 and 1999. It is a leading PAC for the psychiatry and pharmaceutical industry. Its former executive director was Laurie Flynn. She now heads Teenscreen that is descending on school systems nationwide.

Teenscreen will compel students to answer highly invasive and private questions. This program has to be protested against by parents and community members at school and local board meetings. Exposure of the fact that parents, schools, and child welfare agencies receive taxpayers' money for every ADHD student must be provided.

Mild medication, in small dosages, and on a temporary basis, can improve the productivity of an individual by helping torelieve some of the symptoms of compounded stress and anxiety. They are to have the same effect and purpose as antibiotics and headache medication. If an individual experiences adverse side effects, seeing another doctor should be strongly considered. No ethical doctor makes a significant departure from the initial prescription. Otherwise it will appear medication was not prescribed with credibility, competentence, or seriousness.

Many psychotherapists have unfortunately partnered with the legal profession as psychotherapists play a major part in the judicial and the social agency process. So often judges order people to undergo forced counseling, which is clearly wrong. For therapy to work, an individual has to voluntarily decide to see a doctor for any assistance in the strictest of privacy. Worst yet, judges are ordering forced drugging, hospitalization, and even ECT treatments. This is evidenced by the fact that many youth in foster care are medicated to the extent of suffering lactation. The primary question is "How humane and fair can a nation be if its most vulnerable and helpless are exploited like this?"

If parent(s) object to the school mandated drugging, they could lose their child to government agencies. So many "youngsters" will be turned into "guinea pigs" and consequently poisoned & labeled. Yet the money continues to roll in. Pharmaceutical company gifts to the Texas Department of State Health Services alone totaled $1.3 million from 1997 to 2004.

There simply is no chemical solution to emotional pain, bizarre behavior, anger and bad temperament, character flaws, psychological inhibitions, personality defects,personal traits and other temporary issues. What really is needed is guidance, discipline, and evaluation based on objective merits.

In any country with an oppressive legal system, it is convenient to "brand". The Soviet Union had their "mental health facilities" to help those to "see the light". Bar associations' control of the three branches are doing the same here. The only way to stop this dangerous government intrusion is to ban lawyers or any other group from belonging to two or more branches. The time for the revolving door to close is now overdue.

Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington,Virginia 24426


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