Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Current Legal System-Tools Of Terror For The Brutal Acquisition Of Wealth-By Harsha Sankar

June 2008

Dear Citizen,

As the general election campaigns begins, an issue that needs to be addressed is the tragic reality of America's legal system. America's courts are rigged. They are tainted by fake trials,trumped-up charges and defenses, extortion by attorneys, and it has 2.2 million prisoners to show for this. Some reputed sources state a minimum of 100,000 are not guilty of the crimes in which they have been convicted.One out of 45 working age males is behind bars. America has the largest prison gulag in the world, claiming 25% of all prisoners. With prison labor being revived and as jails are being privatized, America's incarceration system is now the fastest growth sector and is a huge source of business profit.

Legal corruption blankets the nation. Concentration camps, most built by
Halliburton, are emerging.Even "mental health" hospitals are cropping up everywhere.
The breeding of the culture of mass prisons and the promiscuous confiscation of wealth has spread fear throughout the populace. The lapdog corporate media just nourishes these concepts. They give it normalcy when they should expose it for what it is: tyranny.

The sheer oppression is so severe that a social explosion will occur. The unfortunate pattern of judges and family members being attacked and courthouses and related property being damaged are being downplayed. The judicial elite and collaborators do not want people to take a hard look at the core issues behind these events. For many prisoners, life is horrendous. As amenities exist, so does torment. Even prisoners deserve humanity. Yet they are not even safe. Rape and beatings are common with little recourse. America's already high execution rate would be much higher if unexpected deaths were taken into account. How long are people going to sanitize these "hangings", "mysterious stabbings", or "heart ailments"?

The American Constitution is meaningless.Attorneys do not fight for it.The political parties do not fight for it simply because most people themselves have not even read it, making it next to impossible to safeguard liberties. The legal profession as a whole prey on that neglect with calculated abandon as they often demonstrate no scruples in bending words in the law to promote the opposite meaning. The courts are their tools of terror in advancing their brutal acquisition of wealth and power.

This letter is not an indictment against all attorneys. So many are trapped in a bad system in which they feel any criticism may invite severe retribution, such as disbarment, fines, and even incarceration.As judges have invoked the "Fuhrer Princip" in which their word is substituted as law, censorship in the advocacy of law is indeed practiced. On the other hand, if one stays in a system long enough, one becomes part of it. Then one has to abuse and take advantage just to survive.

The current system does not encourage free and meritorious debate.It rather encourages conformity to the will of the status qou and it does so in all sectors. All this resembles the anti-democratic systems of fascism and communism. "Toeing the line" was more appreciated than innovative and standalone thinking.So obviously the entrenched culture of bribery and miscarriages of justice will prevail.

People must internalize that Republican or Democrat matter not.There are
two kinds of people.Those who feel people should be controlled and those who have
no desire.In the end there are only two outcomes, Relative Liberty or Ruling Class.
Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington,Virginia 24426


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