Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Manufacturing Decline Is Due To Malgovernance-By Harsha Sankar

Dear Citizen, October 2010

Is America in decline? The entire society, leave alone US government,is drowning in debt. America is being hammered in the world trade arena as every single month large numbers of
factories,jobs, and wealth permanently leave American soil. The following are supporting facts.

1.In 2000, USA was ranked number one in average wealth per adult. In 2010, USA is seventh.

2. USA has lost approximately 42,400 factories and 32 percent of manufacturing jobs since 2000. In 1959, manufacturing represented 28 percent of economic output. In 2008, it represented 11.5 percent.

3. Manufacturing employment in the U.S. computer industry is lower in 2010 than it was in 1975.

4. In 1980, the United States imported 37 percent of its oil. Now its 60 percent.

5.America's trade deficit with China increased 300 percent in last ten years,which could cause eventually the loss a million jobs this year alone.Half a trillion yearly leave America due to trade deficit.

6. 15 year olds do not rank in the top half of all advanced nations in math or science literacy.

7. The United States has the third worst poverty rate among the advanced nations.

Less government,respect for property and financial rights, and a relatively stable and consistent legal environment allowed America to become the wealthiest nation on earth. Yet malgovernance demonstrates hostility for free markets, private property, and the rule
of law. Capital formation, entrepreneurship, credit, and wealth accumulation are now uniformly discouraged.

First and foremost, the role of government in business should be limited to resolving contractual disputes in a cost-effective,timely, and uniform manner. Yet in today's world private contracts are not reliably enforced and private property is not secure.The predictable result is widespread poverty and misery.

Intel CEO Paul Otellini stated it costs $1 billion more per factory for Intel to build, equip, and operate a semiconductor manufacturing facility in the United States.This is obviously due to
the high costs of malgovernance. Yet Americans continue to vote for attorneys as politicians. It is simply the case of not seeing the forest because the trees block visibility.

Tweetle-dum vs.Tweetle-dee is not the answer. A myriad of rules,regulations, and economic incentives keep grassroots Americans from vying for office. This must change.

Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington,Virginia 24426


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