Saturday, October 08, 2011

Rights Reduced To Privileges Due To Authoritarian Rule-By Harsha Sankar

Dear Citizen, December 2000

It appears that the next president will be decided by the “High Priests” in America's attorney-monopolized courts. How badly have America's state of affairs regressed? Rather than allowing the elected lawmakers in Florida hold an emergency session to create, change, and/or repeal a suitable law for this particular situation, Americans have to witness this critical matter handled by de facto and dictatorial judges.The People have also seen this whole election plunged into utter confusion, anarchy, and chaos by the legal profession who invariably stand to gain by raking in millions in attorney fees.

It is high time Americans realize that they live in a Bar Association dictatorship which is very similar to the communist and fascist party dictatorships in Cuba, in China, in the former Soviet Union, in Warsaw Pact nations, in Nazi Germany, in Mussolini’s Italy, in the banana republics of Latin America, and in the military dictatorships in Africa and some parts of Asia. This fact is obvious since the private “members only” bar associations totally control the judiciary and dominate both the legislative and executive branches Lawyers also control political parties, the media, corporations, government agencies and nonprofit organizations.

Rights have been reduced to privileges due to their authoritarian rule.Lawyers and pro-lawyer politicians and bureaucrats have reduced us, The People, to serfs and second-class citizens. We are no longer deemed fit and competent to advocate the claims and the law because of our lack of “legal education.” The Founding Fathers and the American Constitution stated clearly a citizen was entitled to assistance of counsel. The definition of counsel was not limited to Court Approved Bar Association “High Priests" attorneys. Counsel meant anyone the citizen litigant deemed appropriate for any kind of help.

The people are no longer free. Things are no longer done with their approval. In fact, only the reverse is true. The People can hardly do anything without their consent (lawyers’ advice with pro-lawyers serving as accomplices in this organized crime wave.) The “Dons,” “Godfathers,” and “Goodfellows” have taken the law into their own hands by telling people, through their advice and rulings, what the law is. Unless we pay them “protection” and “ransom” money, our rights have no meaning. Discretion equals dictatorship and the law is created, interpreted, and practiced at their whims and choosing. Lawyers have put themselves on a pedestal and simultaneously belittled us as their incapable subjects and wards. The Rule of Law must replace the Rule By Lawyers. The law should be applied and supported only.

There is no question the legal profession has converted American democracy into lootocracy.

Please read the following.

1. In the Paula Jones Lawsuit against the President in which she was awarded $850,000, she received only $151,000.

2. In the 368 billion dollar tobacco settlement, attorneys received one quarter (92 billion dollars) for their “fees.”

3. In a class action lawsuit against a computer monitor manufacturer, token plaintiffs received a $13 coupon. Their lawyers received $5.8 million in fees.

The list of outranges goes on. However, the real blame for this miserable muddle lies with the people themselves. They not only have allowed this to happen, but have have tried to profit from this. Many Americans really do not care what happens to America as long as they have their social lives, fun, money, status, and reputation. Americans somehow have placed style over substance, and they wonder why trust, values, patriotism, and tolerance are tearing apart at the seams.

Look at the forty and under generation. So few of them understand the rise of Bolshevism in Russia, the rise of Hitler and his manipulative tactics, the work of George Mason and Thomas Jefferson, the American Civil War, Franklin D Roosevelt’s policies and the eventual outcome, and the reasons why communism and other non-democratic ideologies have systematically failed.

During World war II, Americans actively advertised that the key to victory was production. Through production, America became the supreme economic and military power. It is ironic now that in the last two decades the younger generation has been trained to become non-productive predatory parasitic masters,corporate bureaucrats, or financial money changing marginalists. Americans must unleash their entrepreneurial spirit, which encourages the teaching and technical professions as well as that of the independent business operator. Danger and doom loom with wealth creation going overseas,with the relentless erosion of individual freedom,with the increased power of global agencies, and with the rise of a hostile, military power in China


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