Thursday, November 03, 2011

America,Not Unlike The Roman Empire, Will Be Destroyed From Within-(A Harsha Sankar Article)

Dear Citizen, July 1995

SOME DISPARAGING racial remarks were made by a few Texaco Officials, and its company now pays $176 million.While answers are being sought,why do Americans tolerate this lawsuit outrage?

While racial slurs are idiotic and reflect the ignorance of those using them, how conceivable is it that these immature statements be quantified to the tune of $176 million? When will we restore humanity, decency, common sense and dignity that our once-respectable legal system sorely lacks?When will we put an end to the outrageous actions of these self righteous parasite special-interest advocates and the lawyers who manipulate the system to fulfill their greed? Only when hard-working, productive America wakes up and reclaims what is rightfully theirs Otherwise, these abuses will be more severe and more frequent.

Rev.Jesse Jackson is a divisive opportunist who, along with Kwaise Mfume and handful of lawyers, is trying to capitalize.

Do they care that the small businesspeople who operate wholesale and retail stations and those working for them will pay the cost of the settlement? Does Jackson realize the lawyers will get more then one-third of the settlement for their fees? Is he aware his actions will promote more racial tensions?

Do not punish the majority to reward the few. Working-class whites already resent being punished by affirmative-action quotas and discrimination lawsuits.

It’s interesting to compare the philosophy, maturity and ideals of Jackson with that of Nelson Mandela, prime minister of the new democracy of South Africa. Mandela was imprisoned and tortured, yet he invited his jailers to his inauguration in an attempt to bury the evils of apartheid and display unity and universal franchise so that all South Africans would have a better future. However, Jackson exploits the plight of blacks for his own financial and political purposes. A millionaire made by contributors to the Rainbow coalition, he is incessantly fomenting conflict and the philosophy of entitlement. The victim mentality he preaches and fosters among minorities harm their efforts to assimilate with and contribute to society.

What is troublesome is that a significant minority of Americans have allowed their tolerance to turn into apathy.They continue not to be intolerant of gross inequities and absurdities. This nation, just like the Roman Empire, will be destroyed from within. While panic isn’t a solution,if there is no sense of urgency now, there will be no hope to reverse the downward trend that is destroying our prosperity and values.

Very Truly Yours,

Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington,Virginia 24426


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