Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Ushering The Police State Via Military-By Harsha Sankar

Dear Citizen, December 2011

As the rolls of the Bar Association attorneys continue to swell, one can continue to expect more oppressive and repressive legislation to be enacted that continue to deprive more and more Americans of their rights.

The U.S. Senate is expecting to pass S.1867, which is the National Defense Authorization Act. This bill gives policing power to the Department of Defense.The military can

1. Indefinitely detain American citizens and lawful resident aliens throughout the globe, including on American soil itself. There need not be a speedy trial and Habeas Corpus is suspended.

2. Engage in police work on American soil. This effectively repeals Posse Comitatus.

This could be quite reminiscent of the Stalinist Soviet Union or Nazi Germany where a knock on the door in the middle of the night meant that the person taken by the military was often never seen again. This measure’s detention principles are similar to the ones that sent innocent Japanese-Americans into concentration camps during WW II.

This bill has already been passed in the House of Representatives with nary a whimper by a 322-96 vote.

Senators Lindsey Graham(R-SC) and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) state that America is part of the battlefield and this bill is necessary. This bill is over 600 pages long and is an attorneys' boon. It is totally unfocused, directionless, and wide-ranging. Only the attorney profession will be allowed to give it substance on an ad hoc basis.

Those are well-connected within the legal system may not have fear of this bill.However, most who are approached by the military, under the banner of this law, must be the most apprehensive.

This bill, because of the lobbyist setup of rules and standards of protocols in Congress, is not even a stand-alone bill. The Senate Armed Services Committee brought this as part of the military authorization bill. It should be the subject of its own bill.

Now is the time of Americans to galvanize the support of the local police and of the military to support a constitutional amendment calling for the ban of same-hands governance. The presence of attorneys in office is unwarranted and is highly destructive to representative governance.

Very Truly Yours,

Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington, Virginia 24426


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