Monday, September 21, 2020

California, Once Golden,Now Rotting Due To Four Families' Political Rule-A Harsha Sankar Article

Dear Citizen,                                        June 2020

         Malgovernance due to poor governmental setup has led to this unfortunate phenomenon. Four families now control most of the political and legal systems in California.

         Those four families are Getty, Pelosi, Brown, and Newsom. Pat Brown's father ran scam and gambling operations in San Francisco. Pat Brown, with William Newsom's II assistance, served two terms as California governor.

         While governor, Brown awarded the Squaw Valley Concession Contract to William Newsom III and John Pelosi. This measure was highly condemned for its lack of benefit to Californians.

         One must carefully review all the other connections. William Newsom III was a childhood friend with Pat Brown's son, Jerry! John Pelosi's son, Paul, married the future Speaker of the House, Nancy! Nancy Pelosi's father smuggled heroin to America with Lucky Luciano! Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law Ron married Barbara Newsom, William III's daughter.

         In 1974, Jerry Brown became governor.A year later, he appointed William Newsom III. as circuit court judge and to the Court of Appeals. William Newson III was an attorney for the J. Paul Getty, oil baron. While Newsom III was on the appellate bench, he helped change estate trust law that allowed Getty to claim a lion's share in a multi-heir trust. After Newsom III retired from the bench, he became administrator of Getty Trust. The Getty Trust was an early investor in a winery enterprise primarily involving Gavin Newsom, who was the nephew of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Gavin Newsom later became the mayor of San Francisco and lieutenant governor of California. Gavin Newsom became very close to the Gettys after his parents divorced! He later succeeded Jerry Brown to become California governor. Needless to state, cronyism and conflicts of interest led to the rise of the current governor and of all his contacts.

For 80 years, these four families have controlled much of California's governance with their manipulation of a highly attorney infested political and legal system. California has more attorneys, generates more legal fees, and its attorneys have more influence than probably any other state. These four families currently network with Adam Schiff, Dianne Feinstein, Maxine Waters, Kamala Harris and numerous other power brokers to maintain their control.

Of course, the domination by the power brokers has led to uncontrollable spending and insurmountable debt for the Golden State. California has the highest tax rates. Homelessness, disease, and drug use have reached extreme proportions. We need to reform our governance now or we will continue to be a lawless and tyrannical nation.

                                               Very Truly Yours,
                                                Harsha Sankar
                                                908 Valley Ridge Road
                                                Covington, Virginia 24426


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